Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and am met with the same market in the picture Kevin sent me. Maryann stumbles forward, and hits the floor hard. Her knees get scraped and blood starts to drip down her legs onto the floor. She looks to me and says "I can sort myself, go ahead and help Kevin, I'll meet you in five minutes!"

I nod, and fly above the stalls. Luckily, the area we Apparated into was empty and so no-one saw us. I look for Kevin and hear a commotion coming from near one of the food vans. I fly over and see a crowd of people all bunched together, crouched down.

I lower myself onto the roof of the food van, and observe the scene. They seem to be holding something down, but due to the amount of people, I can't see what it is. I can give a good guess to what it is, though. I slip off the roof and land by the side, looking for clues to confirm my theory.

I look to the ground and see a trail of pure white feathers, a couple with blue tips. Dark-blue tips! I hold my hand to my mouth and pray that it isn't Kevin under all those people. They'll choke him! My suspicions are confirmed when I see a corner of one of his wings poke out from under someone near the edge, flapping feebly.

I stay hidden, reviewing my options. I could stay here and let Kevin choke to death, or I could take everyone on, except I can't take them all on by myself! That means both me and Kevin could get captured.

That leaves one option. Distraction! At least, until Maryann gets here. It looks like everyone at the market is on top of Kevin. Hopefully, with my distraction, I will be able to convince some people to get off Kevin to chase after me, giving him a better chance to get the rest of the people off him.

I rise into the air, and fly until I am directly above the crowd. Everyone is looking forward or down so they haven't seen me yet. "Hey, I'm up here!" I yell, capturing everyone's attention, as they all look up.

"Hey, there's another one!" I hear someone shout. "Get her!"

I stay relatively high in the air, so they can't reach me. I see someone grab a length of rope from a nearby stall, tie it into a lasso and launch it towards me. I mistook where the loop would end up, and it tightened around my ankle. I smirk as they begin pulling me down, before using Diffindo to cut the rope. I bend over, wings still flapping and pull off the rope around my ankle.

"Find some more rope, stronger rope!" I hear. "And you! Keep an eye on her!"

I start to fly away from the crowd, knowing I would be leading at least one person away from the crowd. Plus, someone else would be looking for some more rope, so that's one more person who's got off Kevin.

I see Maryann far below on the ground. She prepares to fly up to me, but I shake my head frantically. She mouths 'Where's Kevin!' I point to where the crowd is and mouth 'Disillusionment Charm!' She understands what I am trying to say and puts on a Disillusionment Charm on herself before flying over in the direction I pointed to.

I look down and see two people following me. Neither of them have rope on them. I sit down on the edge of a roof of a nearby building, high enough so that neither of them can reach me. I look down and study their faces. They both have angry faces, like that security guard did, before he started throwing glass at me. I see them both bend down and pick up rocks off the grounds. I guess they want to knock me off the roof.

I smile sweetly towards the men, which makes them really angry. They throw the rocks towards me, except they fell way too short. I hear a shattering, and realise they smashed a window. I look down and see an angry woman poke her head out of the window and start yelling "Why are you throwing rocks at my window!"

"Sorry, ma'am! But we were aiming towards the girl with wings on the roof!"

"Such lies, do you expect me to believe that?!"

"Why don't you look for yourself!"

I drew my legs up and leaned back. She must have looked and started to shout again. "There's nobody there! Just wait until I get my hands on you!"

She disappeared, and both of the men took off running. I hear a faint stomp, stomp, stomp from inside the apartment. A couple of minutes later, she comes running out of the apartment with a rolling pin in her hands.

I laugh gently, rubbing my hands together. I then decide to fly back towards the crowd to see how Maryann is getting on. I come back to a scene of great confusion. I can see Kevin now, lying on the ground. There is still quite a few people on top of him. A pile of unconscious bodies lay to the side. I smirk, as another guy falls unconscious. I know this is the work of Maryann even though I can't see her. This is proven when the body is pulled off Kevin, by some unseen force.

"What the heck?! There's some strange force here!" "No matter, stay alert! We need to keep this man here until the scientists arrive!"

At this point, the two men who were following me, come running around the corner, the woman hot on their heels.

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on the girl!"

They don't answer but run past them, away from the woman. She stops running after them when she sees everyone on Kevin.

"How dare you lie on top of a poor man like that?! He'll suffocate!"

I fly down beside Maryann, knowing where exactly she was by the gentle laughter. "Well done!" I say, also laughing.

"It's so funny! Their faces made me crack up! I almost revealed myself a few times!" She was almost crying with laughter.

I hear the woman shouting again, and listened in. "I will not believe in this wing crap! First, it's a girl, now it's a man!"

The men shifted aside to reveal his wings, now flattened. My eyes tear up at the sight. His poor wings!

"Are you daft?! They are obviously fake! Now, get off him before I make you!" She hit the rolling pin against the palm of her hand as she says this, showing that she means business.

The men scattered, no match for the woman with the rolling pin. I step forward and kneel beside Kevin, tears dripping down my face, wings still in full view. I didn't know if I could hide my wings, and even if I could, I didn't know how to.

The woman, who was heading toward Kevin at the same time I stepped out, stopped, looking shocked towards me.

"What? Why are you wearing fake wings as well?" she asked, her voice gentler, as she saw my tears.

"Sorry! They're not fake, they're real! I can't explain it!" I say, stroking Kevin's wings gently. "Can we wake him up?"

"We may just have to wait for him to wake up," she says. 

I don't listen, as I turn Kevin over, his eyes closed. I open his mouth gently, hoping this will get more oxygen to him. He suddenly starts coughing, bringing his hands to his chest. His eyes flutter open, and immediately lock onto me.

"M-Mia?!" he says, after his coughing subsides.

"Yeah, I'm here!" I say, and he strokes my cheek, making me redden. "I was so worried for you!"

"I'm awake now," he says, wrapping me into a hug. I look to my hand, but, thankfully, the foundation worked perfectly, I can only see a faint purple glow.

We separate quickly, and he asks, "How are all the others?"

I receive a Mind-Message right at that moment:

Racquelle: 'Hey, could you get here anytime soon. Rachel and Louis have been held inside this lab for half an hour already! Lucy joined me forty minutes ago!'

Followed by a picture of a stone building.

Judging by Kevin's expression, he received the same Mind-Message. I dragged him over to the side of the food van, and took Maryann's hand, all three of us rose into the air and turned, Apparating to the building.


A/N I really enjoyed writing this chapter, especially the scene with the smashed window! It made me laugh myself, when I re-read it.

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