Chapter 10

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"That was so romantic, a surprise visit!"

Rachel was gushing on about Kevin visiting me, as we walked along the Promenade.

"Considering we both ended up in hospital, and my back was sliced open," I replied, shivering slightly. My memory had returned and I didn't like it, as I could remember the pain, and the feeling of blood trickling down my back.

"But you escaped! And Kevin carried you home!"

I sighed, as I looked to the sea, the wind blowing through my hair. I must admit, it was a perfect week, spending time with Kevin like that. He's so sweet. He decided to stay at a nearby hotel and I met with him every day. We went for ice-cream, to the movies, a day at the beach and just generally hung out when my parents left the house.

I decided it was too early for Mum and Dad to meet Kevin, considering how quick our relationship progressed. It would just freak them out, for me to introduce a surprise boyfriend. I had planned to tell them, just not now.

"Uh oh, here comes trouble," Rachel said in a low voice, and I looked up to see Ellis standing further down the street with a bunch of his mates.

"Let's cross the street, hopefully he won't see us!" As I spoke, he looked up. His hearing must be sharper than I thought.

"Oh, look, it's the nerds!" he mocked, and his cronies started to laugh. I saw the black-haired crony who tried to take my band last year, and I trembled slightly.

"Oh, look, it's the jerks, who pick on others to make themselves look better," I replied sassily, one hand on my waist. "Bet you're not as confident when you're alone, Ellis!"

Rachel is frantically pulling on my arm. "Shut up, you'll provoke them!" But I stood my ground, keeping eye contact with him. His face contorted and he becomes angry.

"Say that again," he said, walking menacingly towards me. Rachel pales, but she stays by my side.

"Okay, you're a jerk and aren't as strong on your own," I reply. "Why? Are you deaf or something?"

"You'll pay for that, Mia!" he shouts, before running forwards and punching me in the face. I fall backwards and make contact with the pavement. Ouch! I forgot how fast he could move.

The cronies surround me and Rachel, blocking us from making an escape. I see Rachel biting her lip anxiously.

Rachel: 'Should we fly out of here?'

Before I could reply, she was sent flying by Ellis, connecting head-first with a nearby lamppost. She slumped to the ground unconscious. I gasp in horror.

Ellis looks to me and smirks. He beckons to his mates. "Want a go?" They closed in on me, and I curled up in a ball to try and protect myself. It didn't help as blow after blow was rained down on me.

"Consider this punishment. You don't insult me and get away with it," Ellis said, bending down in front of me. I could barely see him, through my swollen eyes.

"Stop! Please!"

Rachel had woken up, and was back on her feet, she ran forwards with her hands glowing. Ellis raised a fist and Rachel ran into it, as she was running too quickly to avoid it. She was knocked backwards, stumbling, but she remained on her feet.

"Hmm, you're tougher than you look," Ellis said, before beckoning to the cronies in the process of beating me up. "Some of you, get Rachel!"

Her eyes widened and she started to run down the prom. Unfortunately, the cronies could run faster than she could and she was caught in seconds. One of his mates pinned her to the sea wall, and the others hit her in the face, stomach and anywhere else they could reach.

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