Chapter 24

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The entirety of the guests, including me, stand up and start cheering for the new married couple. Maryann and Lucy lift up each other's veils and they kiss. They're both crying, and their kiss lingers for about a minute.

As they pull apart, we all congregate outside the memorial, waiting for them to leave. I notice the family members holding cones of confetti. I nudge Kevin, nodding towards the confetti and he nods, and we both message the other Vocaloid Actors in attendance.

As Maryann and Lucy leave the memorial, all the Vocaloid Actors shoot magic high into the sky. Multi-coloured flower petals began to fall over the happy couple, along with the confetti from the family members.

Maryann and Lucy walk to the photographer, who I notice was Vera, the Vocaloid Actor who played VY1. She nods and winks at them, as they speak with her.

"We'll have a picture of the family first!" she calls out, her voice loud and strong. The family members separate from us, and thats when I notice two familiar figures in the crowd.

"Ayame! Sumiye!" I shout, causing Kevin to turn in the direction of my gaze. They turn and see me. I drag Kevin over to them. Ayame was wearing a green yukata, with a red sash which went stunning with her brown hair. Sumiye was wearing a pink dress, with her name spelt out on the front in three lines. The stitching was slightly uneven, and I learned why when she started talking excitedly.

"Mia! I am so happy I came! Miku and Luka are so beautiful! Luka helped me make this dress, as a small project, while she worked on her wedding dress. She attached the big pieces together, while I cut the letters from the fabric and hand-sewed them to the dress!" she gabbled, and I laughed at her enthusiasm. She was so different from the crying girl in her bedroom.

"Well, she was so excited about the sewing lessons, that I decided to give her some spare fabric for the project and taught her how to cut fabric safely and effiently," Ayama explained, stroking Sumiye's hair, which was hanging loose in loose waves.

"Mia! Kevin! Come join the pictures!" Vera shouts, and Kevin half dragged me to the steps of the memorial, where Maryann, Lucy, Rachel and Louis were all assembled. "I want a picture of the main six Vocaloid Actors. I want you to link hands with your soulmates, with the marks facing the camera! It'll be such a cute shot!" I link my hands with Kevin, and our marks glowed bright purple. I saw a lavender glow from Maryann and Lucy and an orange glow from Rachel and Louis. "Say Vocaloids!"

"Vocaloids!" we all shouted, as the flash went off.

"Okay, I just need some individual shots from the couple and we can head to the reception!" she said, and me and Kevin started to mingle with other Vocaloid Actors. I was chatting with Olivia, as the limousines came back. The crowd moved like water towards the cars and I understood that we were going to the reception.

I climbed into the limousine and grabbed for my ribbon as a sudden gust of wind pulled it out of my hair. I sat back down next to Kevin, and re-tied my ribbon. Isabella was placing her beads back onto her braids and Rachel brushed her hair as it was slightly messy from the strong winds.

We soon pulled up outside my brother's hotel and I stuck close to the crowd, hoping he wouldn't notice me if he was working.

We entered the hall and I reacted with amazement. There were tables placed everywhere, and all the chairs had sashes, half were blue and half were pink. A Vocaloid figurine sat in the centre of each table. On the main table, a huge poster was hung from the edge. It contained the main six Vocaloids.

I was sat at a table along with Kevin, Rachel, Louis, Racquelle and Olivia. Aiden also sat there, and looked downcast, most likely as the seat next to him was empty. He looked at me, his eyes went wide for a split second, before he bit his lip and looked down again.

"Yeah, Ini was his soulmate, they got their marks about two weeks ago," Kevin mentioned, before nodding to the empty seat. Lucy and Maryann were sat at the main table with their families. Lucy's brother stood up and made a speech.

"Lucy is the most amazing sister I could have. She was so shy as a child, but you wouldn't want to get on her bad side, as she could get into a fearsome temper! She is so helpful and never passed anyone in need! She isn't far off from becoming a nurse, after all! Maryann is the best person for her, kind and gentle, but balancing out her shyness with her confidence! We couldn't wish for a better wife for Lucy!" We all cheered and clapped, before our food was brought out.

I looked towards the roast beef I had ordered, along with mashed potatoes and various vegetables on the side. It took all my willpower to not shove it all into my mouth at once. I didn't to ruin my makeup too quickly, after all. I cut my beef up, and began to eat it slowly, trying to stifle my laughter as Kevin stuffed a large chunk of fish into his mouth, splattering the sauce over his face. He smirked towards me as he grabbed a napkin and cleaned up the mess.

"Don't think I'll be kissing you while you have fish-breath," I teased, and he grabbed me and began to lean closer. I struggled as he came closer, before our lips made contact. I almost gagged from the smell. I pushed him away, saying "I think you might actually need to brush your teeth, your breath really smells." He looked indignantly towards me before he continued to eat.

As we both finished to eat, the DJ called for attention. "Hey, everyone it is time for the bouquet throwing and the first dance!" All the females gathered behind Maryann and Lucy, including me as they threw their bouquets. We all stood there, our arms outstretched. Maryann's bouquet landed in Isabella's arms and Lucy's bouquet was caught by me. I stared in shock at the bouquet in my arms, before making eye contact with Kevin. He smiled towards me.

A slow song started up on the speakers and I recognised it as 'Although My Song Has No Form' and realised they had a playlist of Vocaloid songs. They joined hands and began to sway slowly from side to side. All the Vocaloid Actors began to pair up with their soulmates and join the dance, and so I did the same with Kevin.

We stared deeply into each other's eyes, the brown and the blue. I leaned my head against his chest. "I love you so much, Kevin and I can't wait for our wedding!" I said softly, and he kissed my forehead.

We stayed in that position until the song finished, when a list of more upbeat Vocaloid songs began. I danced and sang the rest of the night away, before I crashed in the same hotel room as Kevin. What a perfect end to another year as a Vocaloid Actor!


A/N OMG! I can't believe I've just finished the second book! Only one more book left to go, before the end of the trilogy! I thought I would never get this chapter out! Yeah, a short and sweet chapter for the final chapter. I loved writing all the interactions between Kevin and Mia, though I will try to tone him down slightly in the third book, in favour of other characters.

The third book, oh boy. I have been thinking about it for weeks and weeks, going over the various scenes that will happen. You guys are in for a treat!

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