Chapter 14

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"It's prom night, tonight, Mia!"

"I know Rachel," I said, laughing at how excited she was.

Currently, me and Rachel were sitting in a hair salon, getting our hair styled for our prom tonight. I wanted my hair curled and partially pinned up, just like at my brother's wedding. Rachel was receiving hair extensions and getting them tied up into a russian plait. I had a sparkling hair piece, which I bought from the dress shop, and Rachel had a small tiara.

"OW!" I shouted, as the hairstylist pulled at my hair a little too hard.

"Calm down, Mia, it can't hurt that much!" Rachel chastised me.

"You can talk, the hair extensions just come out when pulled." I say irritably. "I have genuinely long hair, connected to my scalp, of course it will hurt when it is pulled."

I scowled at her, before I turned back to the mirror, and relaxed once more. After my hair was done, I would go back home, when I would get my make-up and nails done by a professional make-up artist. Then me and mum will attempt to get my dress on, without messing up my hair.

My dress is navy-blue, with diamante patterning the bodice, with a long skirt, with many layers of netting. I was planning on a red dress, with a simple, long skirt that wasn't too over the top. However, when I went dress-shopping, the only dress of that description was too small, so my current dress was the next best thing.

"Why are you scowling again, Mia, you can't be that mad at me?!" Huh, I was scowling? Before I remembered. I sighed and Mind-Messaged Rachel - not wanting the hairstylists to hear me.

Me: 'I'm angry at my Mum. I'm not allowed to wear my band with my dress!'

Rachel: 'Figures, just sneak it in your bag and wear it at prom!'

Me: 'Good idea!'

I relaxed, with that problem solved, and watched the progress of the hairstyle being created. I burst out in laughter when the hairdresser was in the process of curling my hair and made a comment on how I looked like Bellatrix Lestrange at that point, causing Rachel to laugh as well.

I got the giggles and sent the image of myself in the mirror to Kevin, with the same comment, and he sent back a Mind-Message full of laughter. That didn't help with the giggles. Rachel was stifling her laughter looking towards me.

I finally managed to get the laughter under control as the hairstylist began to pin up my hair. Only to have coughing fits at the vast amounts of hair spray she was putting in my hair. God, I hate the smell!

Eventually, we were both done, and separated into our own houses for our make-up, nails and dresses. Apparently, Rachel's mum used to be a make-up artist, so she could do Rachel's make-up and nails for free. Unfortunately, we couldn't get her as it would be too much work in one day for her.

I entered my house, and realised Emma, the make-up artist, was already here. She smiled at me as I entered the living room, but I barely noticed as I was focusing on the rack of make-up sat beside her.

"Are you ready?" I snapped out of the daze I was in, and nodded before I sat down beside her. She started with my make-up. Foundation, concealer, eye-shadow, eye-liner, fake lashes, mascara, blush, highlighter, lip crayons and lip gloss. The works, basically. She took half an hour on each eye, with just eye-shadow. It was hard to sit still for so long.

Rachel: 'Dying of boredom here. Who knew eye-shadow could take so long?'

Me: 'Same here, she spent half an hour on each eye. It is so hard to sit still for so long! Thank God, my make-up is done now. She's moving onto my nails!'

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