Chapter 8

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I stepped out of the house, book in hand, just after lunch. It was really stuffy in the house, so I thought a quiet fly in the cool air would make me feel better.

I sent off a quick Mind-Message to Rachel:

Me: 'Hey, I going off for a fly, as it was really stuffy in the house. Can you tell my mum, if she calls, that I went off to yours for a bit?'

Rachel: 'No problem!'

I revealed my wings in the usual back alley. Does anyone actually come back here? I fluttered them happily, before flying up into the air. The cool breeze hits me immediately, soothing on my face. I waited until I was up high enough, before opening my book.

I began to read while flying in no particular direction.

~30 minutes later

I look to my watch, and realise I should get home. I look around, I am flying above some sort of field. I don't know where I am, so I fish my phone out of my bag hanging at my side. I turn on location and realise I'm not that far from home.

I quickly fly home, but just before I got to the house, I crashed into something in the air. From the squeal of pain, it must be another Vocaloid Actor. However, I didn't get to have a good look at them, when I realised I was spiralling to the ground.

I flap my wings desperately, trying to avoid making contact with the cold concrete, but to no avail. The last thing I remember is landing head first on the concrete, hard enough to knock me unconscious.


I open my eyes slowly, immediately aware of the pain in my head and back. I sit up clutching my head. When I sat up, the pain in my back faded, so I looked back and realised my wings were still out! I immediately hid them, before examining my head. It felt like there were bandages wrapped around it.

Ugh, what happened? I take in my surroundings before my eyes fall on the bed beside me. The first thing I noticed were the wings, pure white with dark blue tips. Oh no, it couldn't be, but one look at the dark blue hair tells me it's true. Kevin was the one who crashed into me. I notice the bandages wrapped around his head, half hidden under his fringe.

'What was Kevin doing anyway? Why was he flying so close to my house? Was he hoping to pay me a surprise visit?' These questions whirled around inside my head. However, before any of these can be answered, I need to Mind-Message Rachel.

Me: 'Hey, Rachel. I was involved in an accident of sorts, while I was flying. I am currently in hospital! If Mum calls and asks to talk to me, use the recordings you have of me!'

Yeah, me and Rachel had recordings of each other prepared just in case. If either of us are caught up in Vocaloid Actor stuff and need alibis and excuses, we use these to fool our parents.

I hear a groan and notice Kevin has his eyes open and is clutching his head with one hand while supporting himself with the other. He looks up and makes eye contact with me.

"Ugh, Mia, what happened?" he asks, groaning in pain. He looks behind him and realises his wings are out. He immediately hides them, just like I had done. "Do you think anyone saw our wings?!"

"Well, we crashed into each other above my house," I begin, still piecing it together myself. "I remember landing head-first on the concrete before I fell unconscious."

"Figures," he says. "I guess that surprise visit didn't work out too well!"

"Yeah . . . But getting back on topic, someone must have seen us with our wings out, as we fell onto my street, but we woke up in hospital, so someone must have moved us here," I explain, making sense of the situation.

Wings (Book #2 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now