Chapter 5

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A/n: This is a double update. Read chapter 4 before reading this, which I've posted,  just a few seconds ago.


"Sorry, I can't! I'm busy. I've to submit a report to Sir before lunch." I replied, sardonically and shifted my eyes from her to my computer screen. For another few seconds, she didn't budge and I wanted to know what was she waiting for, but I kept my gaze fixed on the screen.

She had some unjustified attitude toward me and I hated that.

I hear her boots crushing the tiled- floors, probably walking toward me, but instead, she turned and head to the tiny conjoined- door, and opened it.

I instantly got up and wanted to ask her. 'What hell is going on?' but she was the first one to spoke.

"Sweetheart!". Her voice was venomously sweet. "Your whore manager is not obeying your orders!" She hissed and I wished her an incurable disease for calling me a whore.

"Language, Roseline!" My boss's voice traveled, as he lightly slammed a file on his desk. The sound of his footsteps grew closer and stopped when he finally reached my cabin.

Atleast it was good to see he wasn't pleased with that either.

"I prefer Rose, Klaus." She rolled her eyes in an annoyed manner as if she'd warned him a thousand times not to call her by her full name.

"Yeah Rose!" He titled his head to her. "What's the matter? I think I told you to leave. What's taking you so long?" He grumbled.

"Ask your manager. She refused to obey your orders!" Rose grimaced at me.

He darted his green-blue eyes at me.
"You're taking her home, now!" He ordered, his voice authoritative.

Is he joking? 

"I'm so not her after she just name called me. I know work calls for a lot of things but insulting me like that, I won't take it, Sir!" I protested. "

His eyes never left my face and his expression magnified in amusement. I didn't think anyone ever dared to disobey him. I swallowed hard when he took a step toward me.

My shoulder got tensed.

"Rose you tell her you wouldn't do that again," he was looking at me but requesting her. "And that you mean it."

"Oh come on, Klaus!" She whined from behind. When he stood firm by his words I guess, Rosline huffed dramatically. "Okay fine."

"Very well," boss seemed to pleased by that. "Take her now "

I gaped. "No, that was the least sincere apology I've ever heard, Sir!"

"You do realize, it is I, you can't question or defy around!" His voice was sharp, like a bee sting me on my neck, indicating there was no room left to discuss or decide. "You obey as I say. Understand!"

He insisted me to move along with his direction but I was hurt and humiliated. My legs wouldn't take me anywhere.

"Sir, I won't take her." I said.

"Seriouly?" Roseline called out, her overacting made me angier. She looked at him, possibly for a defence but he said nothing, only sighed at her.

Another eye roll, and she steppwd forward glaring at me like a hungry wolf. She bit her lip, glanced either ways uncomfortably before uttering the words. "I'm sorry. I won't call uou a whore next time."

My cheat swelled up, not that she apologised but because I stoop up for my self respect.

I deserve her apology. She should know.

"Okay," I said, not reflecting the pride and began to assemble my files and stuff on my desk before leaving.  "We can go."

Roseline wasn't in a good mood at all and I expected another tantrum at her boyfriend but it never came. Instead, she kissed him on the cheeks and walked out.

As I was done clearing up the desk and grabbed my keys, he said to me.
"Go on, love. You have a lot of work to finish"

It felt awkward when he called me love. It sounded melodious due to his voice and it rolled out of his yongue ao smoothly. I could tell he was habitual of endearments.

Saying nothing, I walked out.


"So where should I drop you!" I asked while driving.

"I'll tell you directions, just drive!" She said, nonchalantly while her eyes are fixed at her phone. "Take the left!"

She was rude, it was like her natural state around me, or perhaos everybody.

I rolled my steering wheel to left, feeling my dislike for her rusking back in me. I could tell by her conduct, that she doesn't like me so I badly wish I could get my answer.

"You wanna say something to me?" She interrupted my thoughts and I looked at her. She was still busy on her phone. "Say it now! I rarely give a chance to someone to speak to me."

I stared blankly at her. Did she just read my mind because I would love to know what hell I freezed over her life to recieve such behavior from me.

"Why did you call me a whore?" I asked the most bothering question on my mind.

"Oh! Nothing personal, sweetheart. My tongue's a little slangy. It's a force of habit." Her voice was appealing but I didn't believe her. Her evil glint was still telecasting inside my mind.

"And?" She asked.

"And what?"

" What else do you wanna ask?" Again, that grin. Her smirk seemed so deadly. She finally shoved her phone into her purse and focused at me, before giving me further directions.

"Nothing more!" I didn't trust her so asling her further question would be a waste of time.

"Oh! Sweet Caroline," She gloated at me, I knew. "I can see right through you!" She clicked her tongue. "Okay I'll ask you something."

I cocked my head at her.

She asked. "Why are you so jealous of me?"

I wanted to laugh. Her question was off the point, non sensical.
"Sorry?" I exclaimed.

"Don't give me that look! It provokes pimples, you know!" She asserted.

Well, Jokes on you, Silly!

"I'm not jealous of you!" I said, disgruntled.

She played with her curly hairs and batted her eyelashes at me. "You're jealous because you can never be, where I am right now—In Klaus's arms." She prissed and her words pierced my ears. I felt an invisible dagger on my heart. I wanted to laugh at her but I was overwhelmed by something else—outrageousness. My grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"I'm his public relations Manager. Right now I think I'm working durecfly for him but soon I'll be joining the rest of the team in marketing department. I just wantbto work." I growled, lowly.

Instead of getting some sardonically and harsh reply, she laughs and laughs. "Oh dear! I don't know how Klaus chose an empty-headed PR like you!" She mocked between her horrible laugh. "Who said you'd be transferred and whatever you said afterwards?"

"What are you implying here?"

"You stupid little minx, first its personal relation manager, meaning personal assistant. Duh!"


Updated on: March 28, 2019.
I'll be updating soon, very very soon.

Forgive me for my mistakes!


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