Chapter 68

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When I reached my work, I found there was a meeting going on and the boss was probably leading it.

So I waited. I waited to know it all. I just know that Edward had given me a taste of hope. So I just want to confirm that. I know I've also said that I'm leaving the job but answers are required, effective and immediately. It is the most important thing right now.

I've texted mom that it's gonna take me some time and I may arrive late at home. Meanwhile, I am occupied in nothing and it's so difficult to kill the time.

I don't know after how much long time, the thuds of footsteps told me that the meeting is finished and I got up to meet him. As soon as the hallways are cleared up, I spot him, along with Mr. Castor and Roseline.

Hell fuck!

Roseline! How can I forget about her?

She reminded me of a lot of things. She is madly in love with the person who has got under my skin and, isn't kol told me that he is planning to propose her?

Fuck fuck fuck!!

All of the three reached to me and obviously, they were surprised to see me. I intently watch my boss's features.  Maybe there's hope after all otherwise Edward really screwed me up.

"What are you doing here? You should be resting at home." He asks and I swear I can't decipher if he's just asking out of genuine concern or he really cares. How the hell am I gonna find out anything at all?

I look at Mr. Castor, oh I forgot, my long lost uncle. He signs me to do what I should do as he is the one who convinced my mom that I should leave this company.

"I'm all right!" I answer and I think I may have stuttered a bit. "It's just—I thought—I wanted to come back and see how is everything going."

"Oh, it's going smoothly as it always has been," Roseline answered instead as she looped her hand with him. "How are you, by the way? I was really shocked to hear what you both have been through."

"I'm good genuinely," I say.

Klaus suddenly removes Roseline's arm and turns to her. "I think you should go now. I'll see you later as I can't be distracted while I do my work."

As I watch, Roseline nodded in agreement, then kiss him on the cheek and bid bye to us. She went to the elevator and disappeared quickly.

"You shouldn't have come," Boss says. "I have given you extended paid leave so you can recover."

Again so hard to see through. "I am recovered. It's been more than a week and—"

I was interrupted when I heard my uncle's phone ringing. He looked at the Id and excuses us sorry before he walks away a little away from us.

"Still," Boss says, "You really were brave that night and the next day. If there was anyone else in your place, I don't think she could have made it. I really admire that."

He places a hand on my shoulder as I restrain myself from smiling or blushing. My uncle returns, frowns plastered on his face. He angrily looks at me, I think but doesn't say anything.

He simply turns to the boss and shows something which makes him angry, too.

"What the hell is this?" He scowls, shifting his gaze from phone to me.

I went confused since I don't know what is he talking about. Seeing the look on my face, he forwarded me the phone and I was shocked to see it, too.

It was me and Edward sitting together in Starbucks. The photograph was probably the screenshot of the camera installed there.

"No, no, no!" I say quickly before he jumps into any conclusion. He's always in a hurry when it comes to these types of things. "I know how it's looks but everything you see is not right."

He doesn't believe me, I'm sure of it.  He looks so angry.

"Come to my cabin, now" He ordered and walks away. I look at my uncle l, completely furiously at him. Is he even at my side? When here I am to find what is going inside my boss's heart, he just put fuel and ruined my chance with him.

"What the hell was that?" I spat at him.

"You think I'll leave you out of my reach after all of this?" He tells me.

"Yeah, you should. There are things like privacy and all. Moreover, why did you showed him instead of talking to me?"

"Well, it seems you are having a hard time resigning. So I thought I could help. If you can't do it then I will provoke him to remove you."

"You are trying to get me fired?"

"I thought you were a smart girl, Caroline." He patronizes. "After what I told you, you shouldn't have waited long to get rid of this insanity."

"You don't get to make my decision. Thank you very much for your help, but excuse me now. I don't want him to make him further mad at me." I literally spat and make my way to his cabin thinking about what potentially I can tell him about he pictures he saw. At least, not the latter part.

When I went in, he was pacing back and forth. Hearing my footsteps, he looks up then walk to me.

"He didn't theaten you again, did he?" He ask, and I was taken aback. When I was expecting for him to explode like he always does, he surprises me this time. It felt like he really cares. It felt like there are few things in his life above his obsessive rivalry with Edward.

So I feel special that maybe there is some truth in Edward's talks after all but what I don't understand is what the hell is he doing with Roseline?



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