Chapter 13

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ROSELINE'S four inches high heels clatter against the floor as she makes her way to me. She's wearing a silver-colored short dress with a plunging neckline. Her long red wavy hair is loose open, and they bounce gracefully as she walks. God this beautiful woman!

"In what language I make you understand to stay away from him?" She hissed, venom dripped from every word that came out of her mouth. I forget how obnoxious she is! Beauty does need a brain, but it ceases to exist at her side.

"You know you need to chill!" I scoffed, acting cool. "And there's no language you know that can stop me from doing my work. In fact, you should work on improving your senses because you can't think straight, can't see straight or even can't talk straight." I commented at her confidently, clearly challenging that I'm not backing down. Whatever she's thinking, it's her problem and she needs immediate help from anyone who can fix her problem.

Roseline rolled her eyes dramatically.
"Stop flattering yourself, Miss Forbes! Just because you got a position behind him, doesn't mean I won't bite you." She attempts to scare me, but it's really not working on me.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you." I backfired, practically mocking at her. Responding to my statement, she curled her red lips in disdain. It was certainly impossible to estimate how much time and energy she invests in jealousy. She feels insecure for no reason. It's actually a joke to consider me as her competitor. What makes her think I'm wooing my boss when I've purely intentions of only working here.

"Sure!" She snarled. "I can get a little bit of jealous but the good part about jealousy is that it comes from passion!"

"Obsession" I corrected, resisting myself from laughing. "is the better word I would say!"

"You think your degrees and certificate make you some little perfect eligible Chick to stole what is mine!" She scowled.

"What is your what? You think Klaus Mikealson is a Gucci bag you can buy by showing off your cleavage and butt!" I crossed my arms upon my chest.

"I knew it! You're clearly into him!"

My lips parted in complete awestruck. "Are you insanely delusional, you foolish woman?"

"Why don't you resign from the job then and prove me wrong!" She finally spat her real intentions. That's her plan— provoking and irritating me so that I would lose my job. She continued. "But I know you won't. I know your type of girls who act all innocent and shy to trap their boss. Huh!" She half laughs. "Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror. My housemaid looks better than you. So, my fair share of warning is getting your shit together and go back because there's no chance Klaus is gonna drop you back home when I'm in front of her. He would do anything to spend his time with me!"

I froze at her words. She victoriously smiles because finally, her words affected me. The whole conversation was pointless but in the end, she did make a point. My boss won't even care about me when she's here. How can I forget he ordered me to drop her home this afternoon.

She walks past me and picks up the champagne glasses I left. She raised the glass in the air before bringing it to her lips and blink her eyes, evilly.

I squeezed my hand purse while fighting hard to hold back my tears. I took a glimpse of my boss who is now dancing with Eileen Castor. Without wasting another second, I find myself walking out of the club.

As soon as I was meters away from that miserable club, a tear rolled down my cheeks and I sob.

Roseline words imprinted on me—like a permanent mark. Just two days at my new job and look what I have gotten myself into. As I walk past to another street in search of a cab, a group of four men was drinking and laughing like idiots. I immediately turned around to stay the hell away from them but one of them already noticed me.

"Hey girl!" One of the hooligans slurred. I speed up, trying to walk away as soon.

"Stop!" Another shouted. I hear the voice of bottles being smashed on the concrete road. I turned back to take a look and now all four of them were following me. I started running with my whole strength but my heels slowed me down. They also ran, trying to catch me.

I decided to cross the street and reach the other side where I may find a small crowd but while crossing the street, a car ran into me. I stopped in time and so do the car, not without a squeal.

It was a cab. Thank goodness! I hurriedly get inside and asked the driver to drive. I look outside through the window at those four hooligans who were now yelling at each other at their unsuccessful attempt. The driver starts the car and drove me away from this place.

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