Chapter 18

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My eyes were fixed on the iPhone for a few seconds before I shift my gaze at my boss. He stood still, his expression blank. Matching my eyes, he finally spoke.

"This is for you. A replacement for your old one!" His voice was heavy but he managed to say his words without any emotion. It was like he was talking to any random stranger and exchanging goods. I couldn't gather to say any word and shook my head but didn't touch the phone box. It was lying there, untouched. All I did was a nod. Roseline left her place and ran to him.

The way she moves is something you watch on Television as Modals walk at the ramp walk. The way her body motions even if she's talking, or sitting, it's like she had years of training in that. I could really get jealous of her sometimes and I'm sure it would not be just me, it would be any other girl. I wonder why Klaus didn't make her his PR when she's ready to go to any extent to be in this position? There are still so many things that I don't know.

"You look as if you are going somewhere?" It was Roseline. She rested her upper body upon his muscular chest. Klaus was quiet for a moment as if he were calculating something. Roseline's fingertips run across his cheeks in a circular motion.

At that time, he finally said. "Yeah! I'm going to the UK! It could take two weeks until I return!" He then distanced himself from Roseline and took a step toward my desk. "While I'm gone, do keep a check around here. If you have a problem then make sure to call me because I will pick it on the first ring!" He said to me and I gave him a sharp look which of course unaffected him. I began to suspect that my behavior didn't bother him. He behaves like I don't even exist or I am a machine who shows emotion but at last— is still a machine, so who cares!

His conversation was short and quick and as soon as he left, Roseline let out a breath. "So my work ends here for today!"

"But I  think you had a lot to learn after lunch!" I tell her.

"I am bored plus I have to go and see my friend!" She batted her fake lashes.

"So much for learning new things, huh?" I mocked at her.

"I don't owe you any explanation." With her bickering attitude, she stormed out. Hell, you go! I picked up the phone box. After admiring it for a few minutes I unpacked it, not without a battle if I should do it now or later. Finally, I chose to do it now. It took me some time but I did it. The phone was beautiful. The gold finish itself is stunning. At least, it’s not tinged with pink. It's not like I don't like pink but it is something reserve for small girls.

I remember when I was young, like any other girl, I'll go for pink. Even my mother gifted me a fluffy pink teddy bear, pink toothbrush, pink backpack, pick socks and so much pink.

I'm happy that my choice changed with changing time and pink is not my favorite color anymore. I like black now and thankfully the front of the device is black, which creates a pretty slick look combined with the gold. Black and gold have always been a classic color combination.

My watch beeped twice and its lunchtime. Since it will take time to register my account on my new phone, I carefully dumped it into the drawer of my desk. A constant tap on my door drew my attention at it.

Bonnie stood there, her hands still held the knob of the wooden door. With a warming smile, I just grab my wallet and walked to her. After closing the door behind me, we walk to the elevator.

"Boss stopped by my office," Bonnie said to me. Of course, he will, she's the supervising manager at the top floor.  "He's going to the UK! You know it, don't you!" She clicked the first-floor button and I shook my head in positive.

"UK! What's in the UK for him? Another business project or something else?" I asked her.

She looked at me and couldn't control to let out a scoff. She was clearly giving me an unbelievable look. "Haven't you noticed the boss's thick accent?"

At her question, I started to think of the answer. Does he have a thick accent? Well, the answer to Bonnie's question is a big no! Because I haven't really noticed his accent. The first time I heard his voice when he was making out with Roseline. I was too shocked to notice anything else. Gathering the other time when he spoke, I wasn't really attentive because my hands or my mind were too occupied at work. And other than work, how can I ignore his beautiful, hypnotic blue-green eyes that held me captivated.

The elevator opened and I shoved the thoughts past me. "No! Not really. He's really not a talkative person!" I tell her. Klaus Mikealson barely talk. Even the conversation we had was short. He doesn't talk much, other than when he had to converse the needed information on the concerned topic. When Bonnie didn't object or said anything against my words, I guess I am right about it.

"Actually..." She began but was interrupted by Crystal's appearance. A girl, the same of her age took the receptionist position as her job at this time to take care of the systematic working around the premises in Crystal's absence.

"So what are you guys talking about?" She asked Bonnie and walked behind the other side of Bonnie. We came out of the Skyscraper together.

"The two weeks trip of our boss to the UK!" She told her.

"So tell me about it then!" I requested her, with my interest fully piqued. The last time Bonnie told me about Andrew Mikealson was pretty hectic. A great story of an empire rising and falling and then again rising like a phoenix rising from his dead ashes. 

We stepped inside to the same restaurant and rested ourselves at the corner table. Space was filled with the smell of cinnamon. It was crowded majorly by the population from Mikealson's employees who come here, just like us. Waitress and waiter were continuously running from one table to another to take the order. At last, one came to us.

"Chinese!" Crystal decided the food and none of us objected.

When the waitress left, Bonnie rested her arms upon the table.

"Mikealsons originally belong to the UK..." Bonnie began.



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