Chapter 25

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A/n: please vote, it's a little reward for my hard work.

My jaw dropped at the scene. Roseline wasn't alone in the room but with my boss. And they are intimately lying on the bed placed at the center of the room. Half of their body is covered with blanket while Roseline long hair sprawled upon her chest.

The noise of sliding door make them aware of my sudden appearance. I was more surprised and embarrassed than them but by the looks of their's, I hardly find them embarrassed. They must do this all the time. As the air hit my hair and a lock danced on my face, I turned around, hiding my sight from that appalling and tedious spectacle.

"Your PR is really a pain in the ass!" Roseline says, actually complains dramatically to my boss. "She always interrupts us in the wrong time!"

"And here I thought you two were getting along," he says to her while I stay still at my spot and roll my eyes at his sentence. She and I, getting along, like that's ever gonna happen! "So I guess the superior-subordinate thing didn't work out!"

Work out? How any of this is gonna workout if she doesn't shows up. For past two weeks, she's done nothing but went M.I.A.

"Yeah we tried but nothing really good came out of it!" Roseline lies, and I turn to them again; awestruck  at her false words. "Right Caroline?" She looks at me and winks. Her hands runs upon my boss' torso before leaning on it. In response, my boss hold her firmly and rub her back gently. I didn't responded and turn around again as embarrassment overwhelms me once again. I hear few moans escape from each of them. They are kissing.

Get the hell outta here, Caroline. And I was out of the room, but not without sliding back the door behind me.
I impatiently sit on my chair and bury my head under my both hands. I'm beginning to hate this Godzilla nightmarish job of mine, once again. I rest my chin on my both palms and stare at the red coloured wall. My office is quite simple, nothing special about it, except the long, narrow cabinets which are stashed with files. The colour of those files has slightly faded that means they are a little old. Suddenlly, I heard Roseline screaming behind the door to me. I got up and she advanced out of the room. Her naked body was now covered with a pair of jeans and an off shoulder top, and her hair flipped to one side. She is fuming. She walk past me and open the door and slammed it hard behind her. I shockingly took few steps to door but stopped, because she is Roseline, the same girl whom I want to distanced myself. My boss, too, came out in his clothes on. Few of his shirt buttons were still un-buttoned.

"Rose!" He calls her but it was too late. She was gone. He, like her was angry, too, when he walk out and I watch him as he button back his shirt. He pursed his lips in annoyance and install himself in my chair.

"Why you women are so complicated?" He ask me and poundered, and gritted his teeth at the same time.

"Because we are women, no questions asked!" I reply and cross my arms in amusement. "Is everything okay between you two?" Why am I curious?

He shot me a calculating look. "I guess so." He finally replies.

"Then, I want another cabin for me, which is not joined with yours or this room" I tell my boss. He again look at me, this time a little long, trying to look through me. I knew asking this would not be easy. The chances of turning down my request is pretty high, but I have to ask and persuade him. I'm sick of this cabin. I want one where Roseline has nothing to with or I don't find them making out.

"But why? I don't find anything wrong with this one." He sound discontented.

"You know why!" I give him a reasonable amd qualified look. He get up, dawdle inside the room. I watch him, eyes flickering at every of his motions. He picked his coat from the floor, then flailed it and wear it upon his shirt.

"Pick yourself a room, " He permits me. "Suit yourself!" I was surprise as he fulfilled my wish easily. I didn't say anything further. He plucked in a small black bluetooth device in his right ear and went to his cabin with same conjoined door. I hissed.

The door was shut behind him, and I smile widely in triumph. It's indeed a victory to me because he's my boss, so I'm obliged to do everything he ask, but in this case, he did what I wanted, of course after including my reasons.

I came outside to search the empty room in same floor. The hunt turns out to be longer than I thought and worse for me, I couldn't find one. The other cabins were smaller than mine, even after excluding the room. I walked from corner to another, one way to another way but none of them were empty. The one's which are big are built for administration purpose. I walk past the conference room, but not without peeping. It was dark, only few lights illuminated the room. It contains an enormous, long table in it's center and chairs surrounding them. All chairs were made of metal, except the leather one, which belonged to my boss.. All four walls were painted with same color except the ceiling. The room was not lighted enough for me to figure out the shade of paint.

An another big room, like the conference was built at South corner. Upon the door, No entry was written, so I ignored it and walk past it. As I turn left to transport myself into another corridor, the door of that prohibited room flung opened. I rotate back. Roseline came out it. Yes! Roseline came out of that prohibited room. I was slightly stunned.

"Rose!" I call her, not by her full name because she prefers that way. I'm good at remembering things, even if they are small ones.

She turned, stunned like me. I reach her and saw her eyes swollen, tears  cornering them. Her mascara was a bit smudged and make up was now worn out. She was crying, heavily, hiding in a place where no one can see her. She remind me of me. Just like her, I don't cry in front of anyone. I'll lock myself away from everyone and cry, without making them aware of what I'm feeling.

"What?" She spat and wipes her already dry tears. I'm sure it has something to do with my boss. She was screaming at him and he was exasperated with her. Two things summoned inside my mind. First, Roseline's love confession for my boss to me and second, Bonnie. She told me that boss never date. I, myself have seen him plenty of times making out with several other girls. Surely, he's not in love with her. Actually, he can never be in love with anyone.

"Nothing!" I muttered, unable to comfort her. There were so many things I could say to her, but none came out. We are not friends, so none of it will matter. She hates me and she made me hate her. I decided to leave her alone, because if I were her, I would want me to be left alone.

"You must be happy now!" She scowled at me while sniffing.

"What do you mean?" I ask in bewilderment.

"Don't act innocent. First you stole my job and now him." She fires at me. "I thought he's going to take me with him, but now he's taking you. So you see, bitch, you won."

"He's taking me where?" I have no idea what the hell she is talking about.

"Drop your so called innocent act. I'm tired of it."

"You know what..." I fireback. "You're impossible!" I commented in disgust and turn around and go away as far as I can from her.



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