Chapter 34

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"Fine, I'll call Roseline!" There was tightness in my voice. A hint of something that I'm unaware of and I badly wish to be unknown about it. His cold, sweating eyes has my full attention and I was waiting for him to turn it down, to decline that not everything can be fixed with pleasure. He was doing wrong to himself while hurting the people he never should. I know that Roseline's love and affection had no meaning to him but I wasn't convinced. He was ruthless and his own words were consuming him in a fire.

I turned around to the door to get my phone which I'd plugged in my room. I would get it, then call Rose and let her take care of the situation. The plan was simple and set in motion only to be interrupted by a tight grip on my arm. I couldn't move further and realized he held me.

It was awkward.

"I don't want her!" Then who you do. Maybe the lady receptionist whom he was eye-flirting. "Because she's is..." The way he said, I could almost sense the distaste in it. I think he was about to name-call her or something.

Could he?

"You don't love her, do you?"
I didn't know why I asked that. It was none of my business. So sighing, I decided to take control of the situation and get out of It.

His eyes have now regained his color and I could see his ocean blue eyes under his lashes. He looked confused yet angry.

"Love?" He laughed. I was about to snatch my hands away but my attention went back to his face. "How pointless. Why waste my time on that when it gets you nowhere?"

"You don't believe in love!" I was surprised. Even casanova has a heart so why can't he.

"I said it's pointless." He now grabbed me fully and I was encircled in his arms. It was kind of hot but my heart was beating rapidly, indicating to me it was not a good time to think that.

"Then why to keep stocks of the romantic novel behind your desk," He was so close that I only whispered.

"They are good time pass material. I usually laugh when I read those same old same boring lines. Gotta need some jokes in my life."

"You think people who are in love are dumb."

"Not dumb, actually smart." He said and I could understand what he meant. "People say love to hide their lust and could freely toy around people. It's just the fact that love sounds better than lust, you know more respectful kind of way."

I could believe he just said love and just are the same thing. His self-made assumptions were enough for me to get out of his nonsense. I struggled from his hold.

"Sit I have to go. It's getting late."


"I can't. " I answered. "And your girlfriend wouldn't like it and FYI, which I think you are already aware of but she is in love with you. If you can't love her, at least respect her feelings."

He scrutinized me. But his hold becomes less strong.  "Roseline's mean to you, so why do you even care about what she feels and what not?"

"Let go of my hand," Instead of answering him, I tried to free myself. God if I know why I cared and came here. "Cause I can't stay here but you can call anyone else if you're looking for company."

"No, you have to be here. No one else. Just you." He pulled me closer and I was scared. There were so many things going wrong here. He was messed up right now, drunken, and no matter how attractive he looked right now, for God's sake, he had a girl back at home.

"No one," he continues his mumbling. "Only you."

"Why me?"

His eyes pierced me in a soft look and his home completely loosened from my body and coming back to my small hands. He held them so lightly that I was appalled by his sudden gesture.

Beware! Klaus mikealson should be mistaken as a chivalrous man unless it's a business.

He still went on. "You're the only one who can distract me from this mess. I hired you to test my limits and attention but sometimes you are so hard to resist." He thrilled me around like I was his dance partner in a ball, then moving toward me, keeping an appropriate distance but it felt we were body to body.

"Sir you need rest" I struggle to say it out aloud. He didn't respond, instead pulled put my spectacles and throwing them on the bed. 

"Sir...what are you doing?" I am cut off as he pulled me closer once again. I almost stumbled handheld hus shoulder for balance. This time our cheeks brushed and I found my eyes shut at the touch.

His other hand brushed my cheek, wanting me to pull him even more closely so I looked at him without scared of his eyes. They were mesmerizing and drawing me in. 

I lowered my gaze at his lips and no more than a second, they were nearing mine. I shut my eyes again wanting to see what would happen next, half hoping to happen what it seemed like while the other half screaming to walk away.

My breathing became heavy and when guilt overtook my senses I decided to back. However, that didn't stop our lips meeting. He was fast to catch mine before I can withdraw.  "Don't stop me, Thea."

His lips barely worked on mine when I pulled away, aware of what a lifetime regret situation I was creating myself.   I shouldn't let this happen. It's wrong. He doesn't even know what he was doing. He was too drunk to acknowledge the situation.

"I'm sorry, sir" I jumped out of the bed as his guard was down and he was no longer gripping me. "I think we should talk about this in the morning."

"Let's forget talking." He said, sitting on the bed like the sexy man he was and holding his hand out to me.

I backed further away. "Stop!"

He ignored my deadpanned voice and tried to step on his feet and collapsed back. I stayed put where I was. My senses don't me he was seconds away from passing out.

"Caroline." He whispered again and again while I waited quietly. The room was quiet except for him and I glanced over to get a look at the watch. It was too late.

When my eyes fell back to him, he was sleeping peacefully. Looking at his pretty face, I felt like a foolish person for falling prey to it. How could I get carried away? I was supposed to handle the situation well then what went wrong.

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