Chapter 10

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Yeah! I judge quick. It's not a denying fact how he is, but my superficial judgemental and overly thinking mind is no less.

The blonde woman whispered something into his ears and in response, he burst into laughter. I haven't realized it yet how charming and warming his smile is! His lips widen and dimples formed on both sides of his cheeks.

They say, a girl smile can end the war but I've to admit, it's partly true. Men too, have a soothing and compelling smile—a smile that can make anyone's day good. His eyes traveled to me and I can't help it but stare at them. They are shining as always, no matter what!

He gets off the desk and takes the folder from my hand. I lower my gaze in mortification. I was staring him like he was the prince of England.

When I finally lift my eyes up, he was busy scrutinizing my work.

"Good work!" He praised me and I smiled. "I like how clearly you've managed and organized the details. Quite effective skills!"

My smile widens. Well done, Caroline. You do have a good carrier ahead. He goes back to the blonde woman with the file to discuss it, so I quietly exit

"Yes!!!!" I exclaimed and jump a little. As much as I thought, it's not really hard to work here. My stomach growled, reminding me how hungry I am. Bonnie wouldn't even have eaten anything yet. I told her that I will come and we will eat together.

So, I rush toward her office. Within a few seconds, I reached there. Bonnie is typing something on the computer and an employee is sitting across the table. He pulls out a few papers from the folder and handed them over to her.

As he left, Bonnie saw me leaning against the doorway.

"Come in!" She welcomes me.

"I guess you're busy, extremely busy!" I observed.

She chuckles, "Not really! Just need to fax details in respective departments!"

"You manage the top floor! Why they don't transfer details directly to the concerned person, instead of bringing them to you? Isn't it's actually a waste of time?" I asked curiously and sat on the same chair in which that employee was sitting first.

"I have to keep a copy of every detail and document in my system." She replied while smashing the keyboard buttons. Her tying skills are amazing. "With every duty, there's accountability. If any mistake occurs, I'm responsible and accountable. So details are passed through me after I cross-check them carefully." With a loud press on the enter button, she exclaims. "Done!"


We finished the last of our donuts while discussing the atmosphere and other important people working on the same floor. The whole floor is mostly dominated by male employees. Only a little population is filled with female workers. I haven't got the chance to talk to anyone except Bonnie and Crystal. Truthfully, crystal and I barely speak. Considering her pointless grudges, now it won't bother me if she likes me or not.



"You told me that you joined this company last year. How do you know all that history stuff about the Mikealsons." I questioned. It came out of nowhere but I asked it.

At my question, the color of her face faded, as if, I drained all of her blood. She was quiet and looks ashamed. Why? Maybe the answer is ugly. I shouldn't have asked it. So I decided not to push her if she isn't comfortable.

But making me surprise, she did answer it.

"My mother was one of those Andrew's Mikealson secretaries!" She replied and my jaw dropped. Bonnie's mother worked here earlier and she was caught in the scandal!  How did her husband react? Clearly, she was married because the incident happened a decade ago. Did her father leave her mother? Most importantly, why she works for the company which ruined their reputation. I want the answers badly, but no way I'm going to ask her. It's not in my blood to push people.

"It was the worse time of our life!" Bonnie continues, her eyes began to water. She put the glass which was in her hand aside and squeezed her leather chair. "The good thing was that my mother's photo wasn't leaked in that scandal, just the name. When my father came to know about it, our family was almost torn apart! He wanted a divorce but it never happened. They decided to leave it all behind and restart their life!" Her tears vanished and a small contented smile was on her lips. I smile, too. At least her father gave me a second chance, but not my father. I don't know how he looks or if he's alive or not. There are no pictures of my father at my home, not even wedding pictures. My mother burnt them after he left.

"Then why are you working here, for this company? Didn't your father objected?" I ask.

"My family made peace with Andrew Mikealson. He offered me a job which I can join anytime but we rejected it.  After I received my degree, I worked as a clerk in the sales department in a company but I was fired when they discovered my mother's past. Out of options, I came here!" She explained to me and I feel pity for her. They have been through hell. But now it's okay and everything is fine. At least I came to understand one thing—every family has some issues, either they occur intentionally or unintentionally.


As my worktime came to end, I make my way to my car. On the way, I checked my phone. My mother left a message for me.

I'm a Johnson's. I'll be late. Dinner's in the fridge. Sleep tight!

I dig my keys into the ignition and start the car. Before I can move my car a meter away, my phone buzzed.

Hey there bitch! Fair warning. Don't leave your home tonight!

The message was from an unknown person. It's the same number from whom I received the mysterious call last night. Who the hell is she? And what the hell she wants from me?

I tried to call the woman but it went straight to voicemail. I transfer the number into the blacklist and set my phone on silent mode before shoving it inside my bag.


I pull out my house keys from my bag. My mother and I both have separate keys. I get inside, lock the door and march straight to my room. I need a shower badly. A high pay job comes with a lot of work and it increases day by day.

After tossing my bag on the couch and discarding my shoes, I grab my pajamas and went inside my bathroom. I put my spectacles on the sink and lose my hair. My hands reached the zip of my top to unzip but they won't budge. Oh no! My mom isn't here. What the hell I do now? I tried so many times to reach the zip but in vain. So I decided to rip my top and never buy zip-top, again.

Ding ding! Doorbell!

Mom's home! Yeah! Now I don't have to rip it. Without my spectacles, I ran. With fast steps, I reached the door in a few seconds and open the door.

"Thank God! Now unzip my top!" I ask her and turn around my back at her, without even looking at her once.

"Mom! Do it! I need a shower!" I tell her when there wasn't any movement.
She finally steps and unzips my top.

I held the collar of my top to pull it fully down and spun around. My lips pursed out, making an O shape in shock.

The person wasn't my mother. It's my boss.

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