Chapter 12

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Meeting in a club? Weird! I follow my boss's footsteps and walk beside him.
"Sir, where have we come?" I ask.

"Hats off to your attention span! We come to the meeting of course!"

"But sir, it's a club! People come here to drink and dance!" I said as we get inside. The place is stuffed. People are dancing, making out and heavy drinking.

"you're new!" He stops and looks at me. "Within time, everything will be downloaded in your system." He tapped on my head and I nod. That's the first and very unique tip I received from my boss. Niklaus Mikealson is certainly a single piece of his own kind. He is prideful yet cool at the same time. The way he exploded at Bonnie was horrible but the way he talked to me from the past two days was not really bad. Just because he makes out with several ladies, doesn't mean I should bad- think about him.

We walk past a couple of people who were blocking our path. My boss held my hand and drag me from the crowd. The touch and the way his fingers were wrapped around my wrist, sent a shiver down my spine. It felt great, comforting and soothing.

While holding me firmly, his other part of the body was busy searching for his new client, or a new partner. At one corner, behind the glasses, few men and two women were gathered.
My boss left my hand as we reach there and I touch my wrist to feel the warmth.

"Hello, Mr. Mikealson!" A middle-aged man greeted my boss. He held his right arm forward to shake hands with him.

"Hello, Mr. Castor!" Boss responded and they shake hands. Mr. Castor sat down on the couch. Beside him, on the one side sat that blonde woman I saw earlier at our office, his secretary and on the other side, a tall woman with shiny black hair and a man with the same features were seated. Looking at them, they look younger than me and both of them have some physical features. Behind them, four men stood. They were wearing the same similar suits. The way they were standing and attentively keeping watch all around, I guess they are bodyguards.

I sat too, on the couch beside my boss after he permits me while maintaining the appropriate gap between us.

"These are my children, actually adopted!" He sighs toward those two people. "Twins, Eileen Castor, and Jason Castor!" He introduced them. "And Eileen and Jason, he's a very  honorable and successful businessman, Niklaus Mikealson!"

My boss leans in their direction. "Please, call me Klaus!" and shake hands with them, respectively. "This is my personal relation manager, Caroline. Any problem, just call her!" At his words, my eyes went straight to my boss, a little widened but he wasn't looking at me.

"Yeah, sure!" The girl, Eileen said and I smiled, reluctantly. A waiter comes and serves drinks to all of them. My boss gave me an unbelievable look when I denied but didn't say anything and that was a relief. I always ignore drinking at these places. Even a collage party is not trustworthy. I remember my first bonfire season party at college. The football players played a prank and mix some kind of drugs on the drinks. Before I can have a sip of my drink, thankfully, a girl bumped and spilled the drink on the ground. By the time, I get another drink, my friend, Selena went nuts. She was acting weird and so do, Brian. The feelings they held for each-other were revealed under the influence of drugs inside them. From then on, they started dating and during the long dating phase, they have been on and off, on repeat.

"I'm curious!" Mr. Castor interrupted my thoughts. "How come you accepted my offer after two of my illegal business shut down. I wasn't really expecting a 'yes' from you!"

"Well, I am habitual to find the most desirable advantages from my clients. You have a strong connection all over the world. Through you, I can stretch my agribusiness in South Asian countries and Australia". My boss explained while he unbuttoned his collar one.

"That's a Fortune thinking!" Said Mr. Castor, his words praising my mighty boss.

"I have a few questions too, by the way!" Boss said, making Mr. Castor's eyes flicker a bit in tension. The twins too, exchange glance. "I found that I wasn't your top choice for this deal. Before me, you offered the same deal to my business rival, Blake's, but all of a sudden, you canceled it and offered me, instead. I wanna know the sudden change of plans?" He demands the explanation from him while I was surprised at his knowledge about them. He knew more details, whereas I was handling the file. By this, I came to know how sharp he's at his work.

Mr. Castor put his drink aside. With a gulp of bile down to his throat, he looked straight to my boss. "Blake's run an illegal business in legal ways. Though, there had been no proof or police case. Blake's business' are mostly financed by terrorist groups. In return, Blake provides them ammunition and ways to sell their drugs in public without being caught. I was an agent back then, acting as a link, so I knew all about it. Inspired by Blake's, I started my own business illegally. It flourished years by years but, after the shut down of my two factories, I decided to go legally and here we are!" He grinned as he took a sip from the same glass he kept aside earlier. "You were the best option I got!"

My boss was in deep thought. His eyes were dilating and mind was calculating. His long fingers tapped against his thigh in an unknown rhythm. With a soft chuckle, the boss said, "Fine, the deal is sealed. You will do the paperwork while I'll gather my source to acquire the land at downtown!"

"Congratulations to both of us then!" Said, Mr. Castor. They again shake their hands and Eileen opens a bottle of champagne. A waitress serves all of us. Instead of denying this time, I took the glass but decided not to drink it.

"Let's dance!" Eileen exclaimed and grab hold of his twin arms. They departed to the dance floor. Following the queue, Mr. Castor took his secretary and left.

"Sir, we should go then!" I ask and he shot me a glare.

"The fun has just begun, grab someone and enjoy the night!" He advised me and left me alone before I can protest.

"What the hell just happened?" I said to myself and slammed my glass on a side table. The four bodyguards narrowed their eyes at my childish act, so I backpedaled. With whom should I enjoy it? This freaking club has no one I know. People dancing, making out and that's all. Every square of these places smells like liquor and sounds like vibration to my ears. The bass can really make me deaf.  After passing another 15- 20 minutes alone, I decided to inform my boss that I'm taking a cab and leaving. It's better to go home rather than wasting my time here. Why did he bring me when my presence was not needed. He solely finalized the deal, so what's the point of bringing me here!

With this, I got up to hunt down my boss. I push passed people, practically shoving them out of my way and finally saw him. With him, a redhead was clutching him. It was Roseline. She was leaning against him while moving her body with music. As soon as our eyes locked, she whispered something to my boss and walks toward me.


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