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Roger's P.O.V
I had been curled up in a little ball since the incident, I refused to leave my room and apartment. The band was heading downhill ever since our last tour, I wasn't at rehearsals anymore.

Freddie had been really worried about me, he was trying to call me so I could talk with him and the band but I wanted nothing to do with him or our careers.

The phone rang from downstairs, I hadn't washed in days, my hair greasy and tangled, my body stunk and my breath smelt disgusting from where I hadn't pulled myself together and managed to do my teeth.

I slowly walked downstairs, wearing the same kimono I had on when we got back from America. I picked the phone up and expected it to be Freddie when.


My body froze, everything stopped when I heard the sound of someone's voice I would never have thought to have heard ever again.

"L-Lawrence?" I asked into the phone, expecting it to be a dream, I thought he was gone.

"Yes? Are you alright Roger?" His voice turned from bubbly to concerned in a dime. I swallowed thickly and bit my lip, do I tell him? Or do I suffer in silence.

"No" I said sadly "Life is shit right now"

"Do you want me to come over? If so, I need your address" I smiled weakly and nodded, giving him my address before hanging up and finally dragging my unwashed body to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and peeled the kimono I had been living in off my body and throwing it onto the floor. I got into the shower and thoroughly washed myself, making sure that I was completely clean.

I brushed my teeth and drank almost an entire bottle of mouthwash. When Lawrence finally arrived I just got changed into a bathrobe.

I opened the door and I couldn't believe that the man standing infront of me was Lawrence. His hair wasn't long anymore, instead cut short and untidy. He was a lot taller than I had expected and he looked a lot better.

"Hey" he breathed softly, smiling at me warmly. I smiled back at him and held the door open so he could come in.

As soon as the door was closed he wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me tightly, I buried my face in his chest.

"I've missed you" I whispered, he smiled and held me tighter.

"I've missed you too" A few tears slipped from the corners of my eyes as he slowly let go of my shaking body. We both let out a breathy laugh as I wiped the tears away.

"Rog you big baby stop crying, you're making me cry" He wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. I walked upstairs to go and make him some tea.

"So" Lawrence said as he took the steaming hot cup from a tray on the coffee table "Are you and Freddie still together?" He looked around the room at the posters and decor.

"Sort of and sort of not" I said, Lawrence placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it weakly.

"I'm sorry to hear that" I shuddered at the touch and pushed his hand off my leg. Lawrence raised his eyebrows at me before taking a sip from his tea.

"What's wrong Rog?" He asked, looking at me sadly "You aren't the same" I looked down at my lap, I wanted to tell him, a few tears slipped from the corners of my eyes.

"I- I" Lawrence placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me sadly. He knew, from my behaviour alone he knew what had happened.

"I'm sorry this happened again Rog" I began to cry into his chest. He placed his head on my neck and rubbed my back. He shushed me softly and held me close.

"It's all my f-fault" I sobbed, Lawrence looked at me, his hands on my shoulders.

"Roger, it's not your fault" He rubbed my shoulders tenderly "What happened?" I looked at him with my big blue eyes sadly.

"My manager took advantage me when we came back from America" Lawrence shook his head sadly. "He did it for hours, I begged him to stop but he didn't"

"I'm taking you to the police whether you like it or not" He said, holding my chin up with his hand "Okay?" I nodded and wiped my eyes. Lawrence gently wrapped his hand round my wrist and led me towards his car.

When we pulled up to the police station I got really nervous. Lawrence led me through and into the reception. He explained roughly what had happened and we were seated in the waiting room until we were seen.

"Roger Taylor?" A woman poked her hear round the corner. I quickly looked over at her and I felt myself turn red.

Lawrence rubbed my thigh gently, I shoved his hand away. No touching anywhere near there ever again. He awkwardly smiles at me before holding out a hand to help me up off my chair.

We sheepishly walk towards the small room, two cups of coffee sit on the table along with a few biscuits. The woman is sitting opposite us, a warm smile on her face.

"Please sit down Mr Taylor" She said, gesturing towards the seat to the right. I clenched my fists by my sides as I took a seat, Lawrence sitting next to me.

She straightened out some papers and briefly looked over a small recount I had done before she brought me in to fully tell her. I swallowed the lump in my throat, tears stinging my eyes as she looked up at me and Lawrence.

Like she would even care.

"Are you ready to tell us Mr Taylor" She said softly "I understand this is a big thing for you and you are so brave for being here today"

Shut up.

"When you're ready, tell me what happened with Mr Paul Prenter"

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