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Rogers P.O.V
Kian had been trying to pressure me into talking to Freddie about how I really felt towards him, Kian was the only guy who knew that I liked guys.

"For fucks sake Roger just tell him how you feel" Kian groaned with his mouth full of the cafeteria pizza, we were standing outside, shivering from the cold.

"But I can't Kian" I said nodding some girls that were walking by us, "What if he's not gay?" I lowered my voice to a whisper, my face paled in the reflection of the door.

Kian laughed and lit up a cigarette, he blew it in my face, "For Christ sakes Roger, he's clearly gay" he rolled his eyes and unzipped his coat.

"It's the end of lunch anyway" he said opening the door "Tell him after school alright?" He turned to me and raised his eyebrows, I nodded slowly and followed him inside.

Freddie had agreed to meet up with me after school to discuss something, I had called him on the school payphone and asked him to meet me at my house, I told my family he was coming round for tutoring.

The doorbell rang at 5pm "I'll get it!" My little sister Clare called rushing down the stairs and swinging open the door, Freddie stood in the doorway, smiling.

Clare folded her arms and opened her mouth to say something snappy to Freddie but he cut her off "I'm here to see Roger" she stood aside and held the door for him.

"Hey Freddie" I said, giving him a quick hug, my parents appeared at the top of the stairs, "We'll be upstairs" I smiled at them, leading Freddie towards my bedroom.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Freddie asked sitting down on my bed, I closed the door behind me and turned to face him "So I wanted to talk about something that's been bothering me for a while"

I sat down next to him on the end of my bed and took a deep breath "So Freddie I.." I sighed shakily, Freddie wrapped his hand around my back and rubbed it.

"It's alright darling" he soothed "You can tell me" I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded softly "So uh I really like you and I want to go out with you" I stared at his baffled look.

"Oh god I'm so sorry, I know you aren't gay and I should have left you alone and-" I began but he grabbed my shoulders and crashed my lips into his, it was passionate and claiming.

I closed my eyes and leaned in further, giving back to the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Roger!" My mum called from downstairs, I pulled away from him and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"Yeah?" I called back, I knew that Freddie was cursing at my mum in his mind, "We're going out, we'll be back at 7 love you!" She yelled and opened the front door.

I chuckled to myself as I heard the front door slam, Freddies arms snaked around my waist, "Shall we carry on?" He began nipping gently at my neck making me moan slightly.

"I love you Roger" He said inbetween kisses "I've loved you ever since I met you at Tim's" he began tugging at the waistband of my pants.

I whimpered his name softly, He kissed down my chest and flicked his tongue against my nipple, taking it in his teeth, I gripped his hair and moaned "That's it Freddie, that's it don't stop"

He slowly made his way down to my navel before tugging at the waistband of my jeans, I heard the clinking of my belt and he tugged down my jeans slowly, I felt every inch of fabric as it was tugged down my legs.

"Freddie.." I said "Freddie stop" he looked up at me "What's wrong baby?" He asked worried. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear "Do you want me to stop?"

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