Stray kids as your boyfriend

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A/N: this is my first Stray kids book, so let me know if you like it and I will do other groups too
>He would be really protective
>The kind to go buy you food at 2am
>If you are in school he would help you with the homework
>Would cuddle with you 24/7
>After dating him for 6 months, you would have an Australian accent.

A/N: this is my first Stray kids book, so let me know if you like it and I will do other groups too--------------------------------------------Chan:>He would be really protective>The kind to go buy you food at 2am>If you are in school he would hel...

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>Would show you off
>Jisung is always with the two of you
>You both have a pet cat, but he sees it as his
>Would get you jealous on purpose, so you two would have to cuddle
>You two are make fun of each other in a cute way

Minho:>Would show you off>Jisung is always with the two of you>You both have a pet cat, but he sees it as his>Would get you jealous on purpose, so you two would have to cuddle >You two are make fun of each other in a cute way

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>Treat you like a princess
>Never lets you off his sight
>Thinks that you ship Changlix more than you two, which you do
>Only cuddles if he is stressed or tired
>Buys boy clothes just so you would wear it

Hyunjin:>Always kissing you, on the lips or the thighs>Says that he is more beautiful, but actually thinks that you are 10x more pretty>Talks about how you and Khami are the reason he wakes up everyday>Buys you food>Likes to spoon you a lot

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>Always kissing you, on the lips or the thighs
>Says that he is more beautiful, but actually thinks that you are 10x more pretty
>Talks about how you and Khami are the reason he wakes up everyday
>Buys you food
>Likes to spoon you a lot

Jisung:>You two are actually together because you thought you were going on a date with P(w)ark Jisung (NCT) and then you two hit it off>Calls you his squirrel, but he is the squirrel>Comforts you even if you don't need it>Thinks you two are toget...

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>You two are actually together because you thought you were going on a date with P(w)ark Jisung (NCT) and then you two hit it off
>Calls you his squirrel, but he is the squirrel
>Comforts you even if you don't need it
>Thinks you two are together because of his squirrel cheeks
>One time you payed for food and he almost died  

Jisung:>You two are actually together because you thought you were going on a date with P(w)ark Jisung (NCT) and then you two hit it off>Calls you his squirrel, but he is the squirrel>Comforts you even if you don't need it>Thinks you two are toget...

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>Like Chan after a while you get an Australian accent
>You too are Dumb and Dumber
>Says he loves you more than Changbin, but you don't believe him
>You were together on the Survival show and you were crying, when he was eliminated, because you knew how much he wanted to debut
>JYP knows about you two, but pretends he doesn't

Felix:>Like Chan after a while you get an Australian accent>You too are Dumb and Dumber>Says he loves you more than Changbin, but you don't believe him>You were together on the Survival show and you were crying, when he was eliminated, because you...

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>You two are always fighting over who is the cutest
>He likes to play with your hair
>Believes he is better at english than you
>You two are always talking about each other
>Tries to give you vocal lessons, but you are more of a rapper
>Kisses your forehead a lot

Jeongin:>You two are innocent, but sometimes get a little not-innocent>Once gave you a hickey and thought it was going to kill you>Tells his members everything>Doesn't show you off in public, but when you are with the members he shows you off a lo...

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>You two are innocent, but sometimes get a little not-innocent
>Once gave you a hickey and thought it was going to kill you
>Tells his members everything
>Doesn't show you off in public, but when you are with the members he shows you off a lot
>Is really insecure because you both are young
>Kisses you when there is no one around
>Gets shy easily

Jeongin:>You two are innocent, but sometimes get a little not-innocent>Once gave you a hickey and thought it was going to kill you>Tells his members everything>Doesn't show you off in public, but when you are with the members he shows you off a lo...

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