Reactions to you dating one of the members

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This is their reaction to you and another member dating. You as their sister. Chan is last btw lol


Minho: (Changbin)

You and Minho are really close, so when he found out via JYP he felt a little angry and hurt that you didn't tell him. Lets just say Changbin feared Minho after that.

Changbin told you to tell JYP first before you told the members. When you did JYP proceeded to tell the rest of Stray Kids. When JYP told them, they were practicing for their new comeback, Minho stopped everything he was doing and charged to Changbin. "Why did he say that you are dating my sister?" Changbin responded. "Because we are?" "Why didn't I know?" "Because I told her not to tell any one" after Changbin said that Minho calmed down. Jisung had to drag Minho away from Changbin. Then Minho called you to ask you.

Changbin: (Seungmin)

As Changbin's sister you knew that it wasn't a good idea to keep from him the fact that you were dating Seungmin.

Seungmin had confessed to you three day earlier. The next day you two got together. You knew it was a matter of time before you had to tell Changbin. So you and Seungmin waited about a week before you both told anyone. You had been invited over to the Stray Kids' dorm, you and the rest were playing truth or dare, when Seungmin asked you if you were dating anyone, and immediately Changbin looked at you while Seungmin just smirked. "As a matter of fact I am." then Changbin asked "Who is it then?" You cleared your throat. "Seungmin" Changbin looked at you both and then said. "We'll talk about this later."

Hyunjin: (Jisung)

You had told Hyunjin that you were dating Jisung. It's just that he always thought that it was Park Jisung. But when he found out that it was Han Jisung he almost lost it.

Jisung had told you to come over to his studio, because Changbin had left early that day. So when you got there he told you to sit on his lap facing him, because he was going to do your make up. You didn't even want to ask so you did what he told you. After twenty minutes Jisung gave up, and you went to kiss him, when the door flew open, it was hyunjin and he looked both confused and angry. Confused because he thought you were dating Park Jisung and angry because he thought you were cheating and because you were kissing Han Jisung. Then you both explained that you were dating each other all along, he was still confused, but ran along with it.

Jisung: (Felix)

Jisung knew the moment you both entered the room. it was too obvious.

You and Felix decided that you should get together. That same day you went to the dorm to tell the guys. The moment you two entered the room, Jisung knew what's up. He knew mainly because you two were smiling like crazy and because you two have liked each other for a long time. So when Felix went to talk, he spoke first. " You two are dating aren't you?" you both looked at each other and just said "uhhhhh, yeah." then he said. "oh ok, don't hurt her"

Felix: (Minho)

You and Felix are twins, you know everything about each other, I mean he thinks he knows every thing. So when he found out that not only, you were dating, but that you have been dating for over 6 months, he felt hurt and betrayed.

You and Minho have been dating for 6 months, you both decided to keep it a secret since, you didn't want JYP to break you up. You had stay over like you do almost every day, but this time, you wanted to sleep with your boyfriend. So in the middle of the night you went to Minho's room, you told him to cover you in case anyone entered the room. In the morning Felix entered the room to look for you since you weren't in the guest bedroom. Then he saw a girl figure next to Minho. He smirked and then looked closely and saw you. He screamed so loud the not only both of you woke up, but the rest of the sleeping members. "What the Hell Felix?" Said Minho. "What the hell? I should ask YOU that. Why is my sister sleeping with you and why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Said Felix "Felix we've been dating for 6 months, let us sleep we'll talk about this later" "Wait, what? 6 months?" it was then you knew you made a mistake and told him everything. Now he sleeps in the same room as Minho, for "Safety Reason".

Seungmin: (Jeongin)

Seungmin always knew you liked Jeongin so it wasn't really a surprise.

You and Jeongin went for a cute date. You two went for ice cream and when you got back you saw Seungmin waiting for you both. "Where were you? Out on a date?" When Seungmin said that Jeongin began to stutter. "uh-uh W-whatttt N-no" "Jeongin?" "Ok, Yes" Then you said. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you it's still very new and we didn't want to mess it up" To which Seungmin responded with. "Its ok. I knew you liked him so it's not really a surprise" "OK??"

Jeongin: (Chan)

As Jeongin's older sister, you didn't really tell Jeongin about your love life, because you didn't want to bother him. But when he found out you didn't think it would turn out like this.

You and Chan were cuddled in the living room, since there was nobody in the house, everyone else was in the practice room. You both fell asleep not long after. meanwhile in the practice room Jeongin was getting yelled at by the choreographer and wasn't in a very good mood. When practice finished he entered the dorm and saw you and Chan cuddling while sleeping. Since he was mad he just woke you two up and grabbed Chan by the neck, then slammed him against the wall at this point everybody was scared. Jeongin then saw you about to cry and he calmed down. "I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me, I-I'm just stressed I'm sorry noona and Hyung, I-I I'm sorry." "it's ok Jeongin." you said "why did you do that Jeong?" You asked. "I just saw Chan Hyung hugging you and I thought he was taking advantage of you or something, I-I just I'm sorry I'm just really stressed, forgive me noona please." "it's ok Jeongin we will, right Chan?" Chan just nodded still shocked from the past incident.

Chan: (Hyunjin)

You imagined that Chan was going to be mad, but that wasn't the case at all.

Hyunjin was very anxious and he knew that he couldn't keep your relationship a secret any longer. You decided that it was time. So you took Stray Kids out to eat and after you were going to tell them. That was the plan, but Hyunjin told then before the waitress could even get your drinks. When Hyunjin told them Chan wasn't really paying attention, but then he looked at you and then at Hyunjin and then at you again. You honestly were kind of scared, then he said "really, wow, does mom know?" to which to responded by saying. "No she doesn't know" the he said. "Well, you should tell her and make sure to use protection" you and Hyunjin blushed and grabbed hands under the table and smiled at each other.

A/N: I think this is the longest I've ever written. 1385 words

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