A Poly Relationship- Jeongchan Part 1

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You don't need to read if you aren't comfortable with this (Poly)

Chan Talking
Jeongin talking
You Talking

How it started:

You obviously know the group Stray Kids. You are their manager. For three years you've had a crush on Chan and Jeongin. Hyunjin your best friend since grade school always knew, by the way you looked at them and the fact that you treated them different.
Chan didn't really look at you like that. One because you are their manager and it would be inappropriate and two because he is madly in love with Jeongin.
Jeongin on the other hand is in love with both of you. You, because of your beautiful face and amazing manager skills and Chan well because who isn't in love with Chan.

It was early in the morning, when you decided to wake up the boys. You decided to go into Jisung and Jeongin's room, since they are the easiest to wake up. You decided that you wanted to wake Jeongin up first, you sat on his bed admiring his beauty, you went to kiss his cheek like you usually do to all of them, but he accidently moved his head and you kissed him on the lips and then he opened his eyes and gasped. "Noona what the heck"  "I'm so sorry Jeongin I went to kiss your cheek , l-like I always do"  "I'm sorry " "N-no I'm sorry"

"Is Jisung awake?" "No, Why?" Without saying anything Jeongin kissed you again, this time you kissed back and got on top of his lap. He was going to put his hands under your shirt when you two heard Jisung mumbling something. "Noona what time is it?" "It's 6:50" you said to Jisung while getting off of Jeongin "Come on get dressed, the pancakes are already done"  "Ok Noona" You left the room without looking at Jeongin.

Later in the day Stray Kids had finished their schedule and Chan had ask you and Jeongin to go into his studio for a second. "So Jisung told me something interesting this morning" "Really?" "Yeah he said that he heard you two making out in his room, is that true?" "Yeah it's true Noona kissed me by accident and then I kissed her back" "I'm sorry Chan it wont happen again" "Yes it will, if I want to kiss noona again then I will kiss her again. Do you got a problem?" "Yes, Jeongin she is our manager and that was very unprofessional by both of you" "I'm sorry Chan" "Noona I love you" "I love you too Jeongin" "I love you too Jeongin" "Shut up hyung, you already stopped me from dating her two years ago, you aren't going stop me this year" Jeongin stood up, took your hand and walked to the door "Jeongin the reason I stopped you from dating her was because I love you and I have a huge crush on you" "And you couldn't tell me? I've had a crush on you since we debuted, but you are selfish" "I'm not selfish I just want to date you I was naive, but I do like you Jeongin give me a chance, please" "Jeongin I also like you and Chan too, I guess Chan doesn't like me that much, but I do" "Well I want to date the both of you, so maybe You and Noona can I don't know, maybe like each other" "Listen I will date Y/N if that means I get to date You" "Wow you are such a jerk, I like you too, but I wont let you use me just so you go out with Jeongin "

After a back and forth between the three of you, you finally decided something, You and Chan will date Jeongin but you and Chan wont date each other.

*Skip 1 year and a half*

Today was Stray Kids comeback and you were with your boyfriend, Jeongin, talking about the dance that was really hard and challenging, even Minho was struggling. "I don't know I just think I'm not good enough for this dance" "But Jeongin you practiced hard, all of you did" "But I'm naturally a bad dancer" "Babe what are you talking about? You are an amazing dancer, way better than me and half of the world" "You are just saying that because I'm your boyfriend" "No, I'm saying it because it's the truth, look CHANNN" "What Y/N" "Tell Jeongin that he is going to be amazing" "Baby you are going to be amazing" "OK, I'll do my best. Love you too" "Love you baby" "Love you Jeongin"

So as you may have figured out Chan doesn't love me each day I try to get close to Chan, but he always pushes me away and I hate how he treats me like at least show me some kind of love, I mean even Changbin shows me more love than Chan. After tonight I will talk to him.
Y/N and Chan seem to be farther and farther apart. I have to get them together. This sucks it's like I'm cheating on them with each other. THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSEEEEEEE UGHHH
I think that me and Y/N are getting closer. Just Kidding I am in love with her but I don't think she is in love with me.

*Skip after the comeback concert*

"Ok, I'm going to talk to Y/N" "You should, I mean technically she is your girlfriend and you don't even kiss her" "I kiss her, sometimes" "Not enough Chan" "OK Changbin I get it"
Chan walked to his and Jeongin's room (You are not allowed to live with them) and saw you snuggled up against Jeongin while he on his phone, probably on Instagram. "Hey Jeongin, can I talk to Y/N alone" "Yeah sure, but you have to wake her up" "Yeah sure... Hey Y/N wake up" "yeah?" "I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry that I treated you like trash, after we started dating Jeongin, I realized that I had feelings for you and then 3 months in I realized that I loved you and I still love you and I hope you love me too, because I can't stand watching you and Jeongin kissing and not kissing me and I know it's my fault for being a jerk to you and also for being selfish and only wanting to date Jeongin and not even given you a chance and I-" "Chan I love you too, but if you want to date me you are going to have to prove it, but right now I am really tired and I'm going back to sleep call Jeongin and we can go to sleep together." "No Jeongin can cuddle me but I'm cuddling you, ok?" "Ok yeah sure. Goodnight Chan" "Good night Y/N love you" "love you too"

And yeah that Is how the three of us got together, we've had our ups and downs, but we are fine


Sorry that it's so long I'll do Part 2 quickly, sorry this sucks I'll try to do better

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