When you are not learning well ML

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This is part too of Stray Kids' reaction to you not doing well in school.
Once again this was requested by dasha_2613
So let's get on with the story

You were never the type to study until you met Jisung, he helped you be a better student so when you started to slack off he tried everything in his power to help you succeed.
>Read the books with you
> Helped you during the pre-test
>Promised cuddles if you passed

When you started dating your focus of school left, you couldn't learn or concentrate he noticed since you seemed to not be caring when stuff where due. So he started to help you
>Would read to you
>Would help you in stuff where you weren't sure
> Would make sure that you study hard enough

As you know Seungmin is really smart, well so were you until you started to become lazier leaving the projects to the last day, not studying for tests. And he noticed and wasn't really pleased (only because you are a great student)
>Would take you to the library to make sure you focus
>Would sing to you as you find his voice really soothing
>Would ask you if you need something to help you study harder

You two were never the best students but you tried. After some family drama you started becoming worse in school to the point where there had to be parent-teacher conference
>Would threatened you with no more cuddles and kisses
>Would also help you study but with intense quizzes
>Would talk to the teachers so that you can seat together since you are really comfortable with you

Thank you for reading and thank you dasha_2613 for requesting

You can always request

Not proofread

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