A Poly Relationship- Changlix Part-1

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You don't need to read if you aren't comfortable with this (Poly)

This is not going to be a reaction, more like an imagine


How It Started:
It's really funny how you three got together. Some people may say it's funny, but to Felix it wasn't that funny. Actually It wasn't funny for anyone.

You and Changbin had been dating for 3 months, the whole school knew it, except the new kid Lee Felix. A hot and sweet,  Australian from you guessed it Australia. You and Changbin didn't like to show public affection so it was easy for Felix to think that you were just friends. You occasionally hugged and gave pecks and stuff, but Felix never saw that and always thought that you were best friends. You and Changbin were the most popular people at school, next to the bad trio. Not because you are bullies or bad kids, but the opposite. Changbin was the person who made the bullying stop, almost always , and you were one of the top student. 

((Time Skip: 5 month after he arrived))

Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were talking about some random stuff when the cafeteria doors opened. Almost everyone instantly stared looking at the famous 4: You, Changbin, Chan and Ryunjin. You four basically run the school, in a good way, everyone was dumbfounded with the beauty of all four of you.

Then out of nowhere the bad trio, Jihyo, Kang Daniel and Mark (LOL two couples) appeard, they are known as the bad trio because they do the exact opposite your group does. As soon as they enter everyone tenses up, they know your groups don't like each other so this is either gonna end up bad or really bad. Somehow Jihyo knew that you had a soft spot for Felix, I mean who wouldn't he is sweet, innocent, cute, Australian. So Jihyo knowing this decided to play with you. She grabbed Felix and and started to give him neck kisses. 

"Hey, stop that he is obviously uncomfortable" said a disgusted Seungmin "And why should I listen to someone like you?" Said Jihyo "Don't talk to him like that." Said Felix. to which Daniel responded with "Don't YOU talk to her that way. you worthless Australian" To this Chan got involve "What do you mean worthless Australian, the only thing worthless here is you" "Don't talk to him that way" said Mark "Yeah guys stop you are making a scene. Jihyo let Felix go" Said Changbin in a calm voice. "Why would you care for him when your OWN GIRLFRIEND has a crush on him." Said Jihyo while pointing to you who had a shaken Felix in your arms "No she doesn't" "Doesn't she? she is always protecting and helping him." "He doesn't speak Korean that well, she is helping " "really now? that's not what she said three days ago, in the bathroom." "Shut up Jihyo, you know that is not how she meant it." said Ryunjin

While this was happening you were calming Felix down. "You and Changbin are together? I thought you said you weren't" "Babyboy I never said we weren't, you just never asked." "Why would you care for him when your OWN GIRLFRIEND has a crush on him" Said Jihyo while pointing to you who had a shaken Felix in your arms "No she doesn't" "Doesn't she? she is always protecting and helping him" "He doesn't speak Korean that well, she is helping." "Really now? that's not what she said three days ago, in the bathroom" "Shut up Jihyo, you know that is not how she meant it" said Ryunjin "Do you?" said Felix "Do I what?" You responded "Do you have a crush on me?" "Let's talk later, Ok?" Felix nodded. 

Back to the fight, "You know Changbin you've gone softer for Felix, maybe YOU have a crush on him, you were usually mean to new kids." To this you and Felix looked up. "Felix stay with Seungmin and Jeongin." "Ok, noona" Then you went to Jihyo. "Listen here bish, yes me and Changbin like Felix and that means we will protect him. So mess with him again and you will see a whole new different side of me, that you don't want to see." "So you like Felix while dating Changbin, you hoe." Said Daniel "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that." Changbin said charging at Daniel, but before he could touch him, Felix got in the middle "Please stop fighting, I like you both too, so please stop." He said crying. You and Changbin got soft and Changbin took Felix in a bridal style position and carried him out, to an empty classroom with you following closely behind.

((Time Skip after they calmed him))

"So you know that me and Changbin like you right?" You said in a soft voice. Felix nodded slowly "Now do you like us?" Changbin asked "Yes Hyung and Noona" "Do you want to be our boyfriend?" "what? You two are dating, and that's impossible" "No it isn't, ever heard of a poly relationship?" "No what is it?" "It's when three or more people date each other, basically." "So we want you to date us, so we all date each other" "Ok we can try" "Perfect" and then you three kissed.

((Time Skip the next day))

By now everyone heard about the fight and the confessions, so you three not wanting any rumors to spread decided to come clean since day 2. "Can I get everyone's attention." everyone at the cafeteria looked at you "So from now on me and Changbin decided to add Felix into our relationship. That mean anyone messes with Felix, they mess with me and Changbin and trust me you don't want that to happen. If anyone has any trouble they can talk to us personally. If anyone spread false rumors, we will find out who started and we will confront you. If you hear any rumors about us tell us and we will deal with it." With that being said you three kissed, while almost everyone clapped.

End of part 1


Sorry it took so long, unfortunately School is a priority and I had to study and do homework, so but I'll try to upload Part 2 by Friday or Monday 

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