Reacting to you falling (Maknae line)

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Have nothing to say so lets go....

You were running around with your three year old daughter, when she suddenly stops and you not wanting to crush her did a weird turn and hit your head with the wooden table.
>He walked in after hearing your daughter scream "DAD, MOMMY FELL HELPP"
>He sees you and immediately runs towards you, making sure you are ok
>Helps you up and babies you and your daughter for the rest of the night

You were looking for Jisung, and was running all around the house, then you saw him and ran after him, but Changbin had just mopped the floor so it was slippery and so you fell.
>He looked at you as you fell
>Got in your face, and laughed at you
>Then helped you up and hugged you

You all were playing tag, and you were it, then you saw Felix ran towards him and tripped right as you reached him
>At first thought that you were doing it on purpose so he would be it
>But him being a good boyfriend helped you up
>Then offered to be it, because he felt bad for you

You were fooling around while cleaning and then saw him leaning against the door and it scared you, then fell (Hyunjin style)
>Thought that you were being dramatic
>Helped you up and gave you a kiss on the forehead
>Told you to stop cleaning and that he would do it

He was planning on pranking you, he did and you fell face first on to the floor
>Felt bad for pranking you
>Helped you up and hugged you
>Promised to never prank you like that again

Thank you for reading I will try to upload more often

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