Part 9 - Storytime

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The story of how I met Ivy starts a long time ago, when we were just little kittens, kind of like you, Evelyn. We were at some kind of park that our parents wanted us to go to for a chance to make new friends. I remember neither of us really wanting to be there, since we were both a little awkward around new people when we were young. It took a long time for us to really get better at talking to other people.

I was mostly just staying close to Mom during the entire time we were at the park, until Justice, Ivy's mom, came up to us with her young daughters, Ivy and Briar. I was really shy at first, and Ivy was too, but after we said "hi" to each other, it was easier for us to really talk to each other. Of course, the only reason we started talking at that time was because our moms encouraged us, but if they hadn't done anything, Ivy and I probably wouldn't be the way we are now.

Ever since that day, Ivy and I would talk often, especially at school. Sometimes I would invite her over to my house, and sometimes she would invite me to hers. Ivy was honestly one of the most fun people I knew at the time, and even now she still is one of them.

By the time we got into high school, things started changing a lot. Ivy was going through boyfriend after boyfriend after boyfriend, while I hadn't had my first girlfriend yet. Ivy started out dating a boy named Brendan, and he was pretty nice, but he wasn't quite what Ivy wanted, so they broke up. I hear they're still friends, though. After that, Ivy dated my best friend Jake, but their relationship didn't last too long either. Then, Ivy thought about me, and after some persuasion from her best friend Desiree, she asked me out.

The date went great! We had a lot of fun, and that was when Ivy knew she had found the right boy for her. And now, all those years later, here we are, and we're still just as happy together as we were all that time ago. And--

I stopped when I saw that Evelyn had fallen asleep. I looked at the clock and realized it was a lot later than I first thought: 9:30 pm! I stood up from the bed and pulled the blankets over Evelyn, then went to my room and got ready for bed myself. As I began to fall asleep, a question kept floating around in my mind. "When was I going to propose to Ivy?"

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