Part 13 - Some Time Later

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~9:30 PM - Dixon and Ivy's house - Dixon's perspective~

Quite a bit of time had passed since the incident involving Angelina. I was now fully recovered and doing better than ever now that my injuries had healed. Ivy and I had bought a house and were completely moved in, ready to enjoy our new life together. Of course, that life wouldn't be complete without regular visits from Mom and my sisters.

It was late one night and Mom had come to talk with us after putting Evelyn and Jade to bed. Ivy and I were especially excited to announce something, and Mom could tell.

"What's got you two so excited this late at night?" Mom asked us. I looked at Ivy.

"Are you ready?" I asked Ivy.

"I'm ready if you are." Ivy replied.

"Well..." I began. "You know how we were at the doctor's office not too long ago? While we were there, we learned something exciting!"

Ivy smiled. "We're expecting!"

"No way! I'm so happy for you!" Mom gasped. "How many are you expecting?"

"We don't know yet, but we'll find out soon enough!" I answered.

"I'm so proud of you guys! I can't wait to meet the new little one!" Mom told us. "If you ever decide you need parenting advice, don't be afraid to ask, okay?"

"Okay Mom!" I replied. I was very excited to get to be a dad. I could only imagine how much fun it would be to have a little kitten running around the house. I wondered if the baby would have a similar personality to Evelyn or Jade, or if it would be completely different.

~7:23 AM - Hospital - Dixon's perspective~

Months later, I brought Ivy into the hospital, as the new family member was about to arrive. I waited and paced in the lobby with Mom, Evelyn and Jade waiting with me.

"When is the baby gonna get here?" Evelyn asked Mom.

"I'm sure it'll be here very soon, sweetie." Mom replied.

"I can't wait to meet it! I wanna teach it all kinds of stuff!" Evelyn smiled.

"Well, it won't be able to learn for a few years, sis." Jade reminded Evelyn.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I can't try!"

While we were discussing the baby, the nurse came in. "Everyone? You can come in. Ivy's all finished."

I immediately hurried to the door with the others behind me, and we went into room 202 where Ivy was resting in the bed, seeming very tired. I came to her side and kissed her.

"I did it, was difficult, but I did it..." Ivy told me. "We're parents now..."

"I'm very proud of you, Ivy." I replied.

The doctor came in and saw us. "Hello everyone. Would you like to meet the new members of your family?"

"Members?" I asked curiously. There was more than one?

"That's right! You are very lucky, because Ivy had two beautiful girls! Twins!" the doctor announced as a nurse brought the kittens out to meet us. One of them was dark gray with white markings, kind of like Ivy, and the other was a solid light gray. They were both very cute.

"Ivy..." I gasped as the nurse gave the kittens to Ivy to hold. "They're precious!"

"What are you going to name them?" Mom asked.

"We'll name them..." Ivy began, stopping to think. She looked at the dark gray kitten. "This one will be named Aimi. It's Japanese, and it means 'beautiful love'."

Ivy looked at me as I thought of a name for the light gray kitten. "And she will be named Hanako. It means 'blossom'."

"They're such beautiful names!" Mom smiled. "Congratulations! I'm very proud of you, both of you!"

Evelyn came up to the bed and looked at the kittens. "Hi Aimi, hi Hanako! I know you can't see or hear me yet, but I'm your daddy's sister Evelyn! I'm gonna teach you all kinds of cool things when you grow up, and we'll get to play together too!"

I smiled and patted Evelyn's head. "That's very sweet of you, sis. I'm sure the girls would be very grateful for that."

"Oh, just you wait until I teach you how to ride a bike! We'll have so much fun together, I just know it!" Evelyn continued.

"I have a feeling you girls will get along very nicely when Aimi and Hanako get a little older." Ivy smiled.

"Me too! Having new friends is awesome!" Evelyn cheered.

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