Part 3 - Confessions

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9:30 AM - Wednesday morning - Dixon's perspective

I woke up slowly the next morning, not really wanting to get up, but knowing I had to or else I would end up doing nothing all day. I forced myself out of bed and went downstairs to see Mom had made breakfast.

"Oh, good morning Dixon. Did you sleep well?" My mom, Marisa asked me.

"Yeah, I did." I replied as I sat at the table with my two younger sisters. We all started eating our breakfast, although I was a little slower than Evelyn and Jade, as they both finished quickly and then ran upstairs to play. Mom noticed I didn't seem hungry, and came over to see if something was wrong.

"Dixon? Is something wrong, honey?" Mom asked me. She sat down at the table across from me.

" a way, yes..." I began. " you know of any white cats with blue eyes that may be related to me? And I mean, white cats besides Angelina..."

"Hmm...white cats with blue eyes that aren't Angelina..." Mom began to think. "Actually, I think I know of one. She's about your age, and her name is Valerie."

"That's her! I, uh...I've been having...flashbacks...about her. I don't even know why! I just...randomly remembered her when I happened to see her during a walk the other day." I confessed.

"Interesting...I'm not sure why you'd be having flashbacks either, to be honest." Mom said. "I wonder if Ivy's mom would know anything. She's a powerful being, I'm sure she's dealt with things like this before."

"I'll try asking her." I agreed. I stood up from the table and left the house to go visit with Justice while Mom washed the dishes. Since Justice was Ivy's mom, and Ivy and I were together, I was sure she would gladly try to help me.

10:32 AM - at Justice's castle

I finally arrived at Justice's castle. Since it sits on top of a mountain, it was a long hike to get up to it, but I was finally there, and ready to knock on Justice's door. Before I could, though, my phone rang. When I went to look, my best friend Jake was calling me. I decided I had time to talk to him real quick before I asked Justice for her help, so I answered my phone.


"Hey Dixon! What are you doing? I just went to visit your house and your mom said you went to Justice's castle!" Jake responded.

"Well, I needed to get Justice's help for something, so, that's what I'm doing." I explained. "See, I've been having these flashbacks recently, so I thought she could help me. Mom said I should give it a try."

"Oh, good idea! So, I'll see you later, then?" Jake replied.

"Yeah, sure!" I agreed. "See you then!"


I ended the call with Jake and put my phone away, then knocked on Justice's door. When she answered, I began to explain my problem to her.

"I've been having strange flashbacks lately, and Mom told me you could probably help, so...can you?" I asked Justice.

"I'll definitely try! Come on inside and explain your flashbacks to me!" Justice agreed as I went inside the castle with her.

I hoped she would be able to solve my problem.

10:40 AM - Angelina's Orphanage - Valerie's Perspective

I was outside watering Mother's flower garden once again when she approached me.

"Valerie, you seem a little distracted. Is there something you want to say to me?" Mother asked me.

"Well..." I began, hesitant to tell the truth. "Um...I had a strange vision the other day, and it's been on my mind ever since."

"Oh really? What was it about?" Mother insisted.

"It was about a boy...he had black fur with blue eyes, and...he looked so familiar you know why?" I asked. Mother was silent, giving me a look of disapproval.

"So you remember him...that isn't good..." Mother muttered under her breath. She looked straight at me and spoke clearly. "Come with me. We need to have a talk about this."

Without giving me a chance to refuse, Mother grabbed my paw and took me inside to a room in the back of the orphanage where she tied me to a chair. I tried to wiggle out of the ropes, but they were so tight that I couldn't move. Mother told me to sit still as she began to use her powers on me. Before I knew what was happening, I forgot everything about my flashbacks and visions. I forgot about that familiar-looking boy I had seen. 

I forgot all of it.

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