Part 6 - What Happened?

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Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep...

Those beeping noises...they weren't from my alarm clock, so what were they?

I slowly woke up to see that I wasn't in my room. Where was I? What happened to me?

As I fully woke up, I soon realized where I was. I was in the hospital, and the beeping noises were coming from the heart monitor next to the bed. I looked around the hospital room until a nurse came in to check on me.

"Hello, Dixon. How are you feeling?" the nurse asked me. She came to my side and checked on me.

"What happened...?" I slowly asked.

"Angelina pushed you into a tree and you were knocked out." a voice said beside me. I looked and saw that Marisa was here now.

"Mom...?" I asked her. She held my paw and kissed me, and then Evelyn and Jade entered the room. They were carrying what appeared to be some kind of cards.

"Hi big bro! We made you these cards so you'll feel better!" Evelyn told me as she and Jade put their cards on the bed so I could look at them. I picked up Evelyn's card first and looked at it. The card was nicely decorated in red and blue, my favorite colors, with plenty of glitter.

 The card was nicely decorated in red and blue, my favorite colors, with plenty of glitter

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Looking at Evelyn's card made me smile because of how thoughtful it was. I picked up Jade's card next and took a look at it.

Just looking at Jade and Evelyn's cards made me tear up because of how sweet it was that they cared this much

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Just looking at Jade and Evelyn's cards made me tear up because of how sweet it was that they cared this much. I set the cards off to the side and hugged both of my little sisters to thank them for the cards.

"We're glad you like them! We worked really hard to make sure they would be perfect!" Jade told me.

"Well, they're beautiful. Thank you so much." I smiled at them, wiping away my tears.

While I was spending time with my family, the doctor came in and saw that I was awake. Marisa looked at the doctor, wanting to know if I would be alright.

"When Angelina knocked him into that tree, he got some pretty bad scratches on his back and neck. Luckily, we were able to stitch them up while he was unconscious, so he should be perfectly fine." the doctor explained. 

"And...what happened to Valerie? I heard her scream before I blacked out..." I asked.

Marisa didn't seem to know what happened to Valerie. Evelyn and Jade definitely didn't know since they weren't there when it happened. I wondered if Justice would know, but she wasn't there with us, so I couldn't ask her right away.

I was worried about Valerie, but I also partially didn't want to know what happened to her, in case it was really bad.

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