Part 11 - Meet My Sister

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8:55 AM - Saturday morning - Marisa's house - Dixon's perspective

I woke up early on Saturday morning and heard excited voices talking downstairs. I went downstairs to see what everyone was so excited about, and saw that Ivy was here with Justice and Briar. Justice and Mom were talking at the table, Briar was showing Evelyn and Jade magic tricks in the living room, and Ivy was just quietly waiting for me. She came to me and gave me a kiss when she saw me come downstairs.

"Good morning, honey." Ivy said to me.

"Good morning, Ivy."

"You know what today is, don't you?" Ivy asked me.

"'s Saturday, right?" I tried.

"Well, yeah, but besides that!"

"Um..." I tried to think of what else today could have been, but I didn't have a clue. 

"Today's the day we get to look for our perfect new house!" Ivy told me.

"Oh, is it? I didn't realize..."

"You guys are looking for houses?" a voice spoke up. I turned to look and Valerie was next to me.

"Yeah, we are." I replied. I noticed Ivy was looking at Valerie curiously, and it reminded me that I still hadn't introduced them. "Oh, Val, this is my wife Ivy! And Ivy, this is Valerie. She's my sister."

"Nice to meet you Ivy!" Valerie smiled cheerfully.

"She's your sister? I thought you only had two sisters.." Ivy was a little confused.

"I did too, at first, but that was just because I didn't have all the information surrounding us." I explained. "It was like trying to complete a puzzle that's missing most of its pieces. But now that puzzle has all of its pieces again!"

"Well, in any case, it's nice to meet you Valerie." Ivy continued, looking at Valerie and shaking paws with her.

Justice and Mom looked at us. "Are you guys ready to start looking for houses?"

"Yeah, we're ready." Ivy replied. I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go!" Mom decided. "Evelyn, Jade, it's supposed to get cold later, so don't forget your jackets, okay?" 

"Okay Mom!"


Evelyn and Jade went to their rooms to get their jackets, and I went to grab mine as well. Ivy and Valerie were already wearing their jackets, so they were good to go. Once everyone was all ready, we went out to the car to start looking around.

"So guys, what kind of house are you looking for?" Marisa asked me and Ivy.

"Well, I think we want at least a two-story house to start. That way we have a lot of room to grow into the house." I answered. I looked at Ivy and she agreed with me.

"Great! There's plenty of houses just like that for sale right now, and I already know where one of them is!" Marisa continued. "I drive past it every day when I take Evelyn and Jade to school. It's amazing how that house hasn't sold yet, since it seems really nice, and it's close to our house, too."

Marisa drove us to the house and we got out to take a look. The house did seem really nice, and it looked like it would be just enough room for me and Ivy to grow into it.

" looks amazing! Let's go check out the inside!" Ivy exclaimed as we went inside. The house was large and old-looking, but it looked like its last owners had taken great care of the building.

While we were looking at the house, Angelina was lurking outside, waiting specifically for me to come out so she could get rid of me once and for all and get Valerie back. She waited at least a half hour before I came out to get my water bottle out of the car, and she snuck up behind me.

"Hello, Dixon. Did you miss me?" Angelina asked from behind me.

"Huh?!" I turned around and saw Angelina behind me with her knife. "A-Angelina?!"

"That's right! I'm so happy you remember me, Dixon." Angelina replied, faking a smile. "Unfortunately, this is the last time you'll be able to see me. Goodbye."

"N-No!" I screamed as Angelina pinned me to the side of the car so I couldn't run away. "S-Someone help me!"

Marisa and the others rushed out when they heard me scream, but they weren't able to stop Angelina from hurting me. I felt the knife pierce into me as my family screamed in terror.


"Big bro!!"


I collapsed into the grass as my family all ran to me. I thought it was the end of me. I thought Angelina had finally won. I couldn't see anymore. I had blacked out, but I could feel that someone was holding me. I heard a gentle voice speak to me in a calming tone, and instantly recognized the voice. It was Valerie.

"You'll be alright, Dixon. You won't die. I won't let my mother win. I will save you."

I felt Valerie carry me away. I didn't know where she was taking me, but I trusted she knew what she was doing. All I was hoping for now was to see my family again.

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