"I remember her, and I'm going to get her to remember me too!"
LPS: Angels of Freedom is about Dixon Rivers, a boy born as a half dark angel who was outcast from his family at a young age and adopted into a family of misfits. He has memories of his...
It was finally time to confront Angelina. Enough time had been wasted. I had to deal with her sooner or later. I brought Valerie with me when we went. Marisa and Ivy offered to come with us, but we said we'd rather do this alone.
"It's time. We can't put this off any more than we already have." I said to Valerie as we stood outside the entrance to Angelina's orphanage.
"That's right. So, let's go in."
I stepped to the door and knocked, then waited for Angelina to answer. When she finally answered, she was surprised to see me.
"You?! But I thought you were dead!"
"Yeah, well you thought wrong! Thanks to Val here, I survived!" I replied with a confident smile.
"Valerie! I can't believe you would betray me again!" Angelina snapped. "I raised you to be better than this!"
"The way you raised me was WRONG!" Valerie argued. "You never let me be myself! You just wanted me to be a carbon copy of you!"
"Because that's how honor spreads in this family!"
"Well, if that's how it is, then I don't even want honor! I'd rather be who I really am!" Valerie continued.
"Of course...following in your father's footsteps..." Angelina grumbled. "I should just take care of you the same way I took care of him!"
Angelina reached into her pocket and pulled out a knife, the same one she had used to stab me. She tried to attack Valerie, but Val dodged just before the blade touched her. I grabbed the knife handle and started trying to pull it out of Angelina's paws.
"Enough is enough, Angelina! It's time for this to stop!" I shouted as I pulled the knife away from her and pointed it at her. "Any last words?"
"Oh, you wouldn't really kill me, now would you? After all, think about what everyone would say if they knew you were a cold-hearted killer!" Angelina tried to stop me.
"Get her, Dixon!" a voice shouted behind me. I turned and Evelyn was there alongside the rest of my family. Even Jake and Desiree were there! "Make her pay for mistreating you and Valerie!"
"Yeah!" Ivy cheered. "Show her what you can do!"
"You've got this, bro!" Jake told me.
"Thanks guys.." I said to them before looking back at Angelina. "I don't think they'd mind if I took you out right now."
"W-Wait! We can talk this out! Just give me a chance!" Angelina begged, although she knew it was too late for her.
"It's too late for second chances, Angelina." I said, stepping closer. "So, this is goodbye. Forever."
Without a second thought, I plunged the knife into Angelina's chest, splashing blood on myself and killing her. I wiped the blood splatters off my face and took a deep breath. It was over. With Angelina finally gone, my life could officially return to normal.
"Thank you, Dixon..." a voice spoke to me from nowhere.
"Huh?" I looked around, but didn't see anyone that could've spoken. I looked at Valerie and everyone else, and they hadn't said anything.
Then, a glowing cat appeared in front of me. He had a white halo and white wings just like Valerie, but he was translucent.
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"Dad?!" Valerie gasped when she saw him.
"Thank you for stopping Angelina once and for all. I wish I could do more to thank you, but I'm just a spirit. Angelina killed me when Valerie was just a little girl, and I've been hoping for someone to come and save her from becoming like her mother. That someone was you, Dixon. My son..." he said in a kind and gentle voice. "Thank you for allowing Val to be herself. I love you, both of you."
"Aw, thanks Dad..." Valerie smiled with tears of joy in her eyes. I put my paw on her shoulder and smiled at Dad just before he started to vanish.
"I have to go now, but I'll come and visit whenever I get the chance. Take care, everyone, and thanks again."
Dad vanished into thin air after speaking, and I paused to think.
"So that was him...that was my dad..." I said quietly.
"Yep. That was our dad." Valerie replied. She looked at me. "We did it. We gave him what he hoped for. He wanted me to be myself, and now I can finally do that. All thanks to you, Dixon."
Valerie hugged me tight and everyone else came to join the hug. I felt like I had done something great. I had freed my family from Angelina's evil. Now we could all go home and finally relax.