"I remember her, and I'm going to get her to remember me too!"
LPS: Angels of Freedom is about Dixon Rivers, a boy born as a half dark angel who was outcast from his family at a young age and adopted into a family of misfits. He has memories of his...
4 years had passed since Aimi and Hanako were born, and they had grown fast in that time. They were still just as adorable as ever, maybe even more so now that they could talk.
I was looking through the closet, trying to find my collar when I heard Hanako's voice behind me.
"Look Mommy! I got dressed all by myself!" she said to Ivy. I turned around and saw Hanako wearing the collar I was looking for.
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"That's very nice, Hanako! Now, can you go give that collar to Daddy so he can finish getting dressed?" Ivy replied.
"Okay!" Hanako said, pulling the collar off and bringing it to me. "Here you go, Daddy!"
"Thank you, sweetie!" I smiled as I put my collar on. Hanako went back over to Ivy, who put a necklace on her.
"This necklace is very special, Hanako. It was made by my grandmother for me when I was a little girl. Your sister has one similar to it that was made for my sister Briar." Ivy explained to Hanako as she put the necklace around her neck.
"Cool!" Hanako cheered.
I smiled and headed out of the bedroom when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I looked outside and saw Marisa get out of the car with Evelyn and Jade following her. I went back into the bedroom to tell Ivy and Hanako.
"Hey girls, guess who's here!" I called to them.
"Who?" Ivy asked me.
"Yeah, who is it?" Hanako joined.
"It's Marisa, Evelyn, and Jade!" I told them. Hanako jumped up and down in excitement.
"Yay! Grandma's here! I'm gonna go tell sissy!"
Ivy and I went out to the living room to greet Marisa and my sisters while Hanako ran into hers and Aimi's room.
"Sissy! Grandma's here! Come on!" she told her quiet twin.
"Oh, Grandma's here? Coming!" Aimi replied as Hanako ran back out. Aimi followed her shortly after.
The girls ran at Marisa for hugs as soon as they saw her while I was talking to Evelyn and Jade. Both of my little sisters weren't quite as little anymore, as they were now young teenagers going into middle school. Evelyn was almost 14, and Jade was 13 now. Even though they were older now, they still had a sense of childlike innocence to them, which I had always loved about them. I hoped they would never lose that.
Marisa stayed in to talk with us while Hanako and Aimi went outside to play with Evelyn and Jade. Then Evelyn got an idea.
"Hey, do you wanna play a fun game?" she asked Hanako and Aimi. Both girls nodded yes. "Okay! Chase me!"
Evelyn ran away, and the girls chased her. Chase was always one of Evelyn's favorite games, so of course she would want to teach it to Aimi and Hanako.
The girls were outside playing for hours, then Ivy called them in for lunch. The girls came in, and I immediately noticed Evelyn was covered in grass stains.
Evelyn looked at me when she heard me laugh. "What's so funny?"
"You're covered in grass stains, sis!" I giggled.
Evelyn looked at herself and saw all the stains. "Oh, yeah.. I didn't even notice!"
"Someone's going to need a shower when we get back home!" Marisa joined in.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, Mom."
"Hey, Mom? What did you make us for lunch?" Aimi asked Ivy. Hanako was curious, too.
"I made your favorite: turkey and cheese sandwiches!" Ivy told Aimi and Hanako.
"Oh, awesome!" Jade smiled.
"Sounds amazing!" Evelyn joined.
"Awesome! Thanks, Mommy!" Hanako thanked Ivy.
"Yeah, thanks!" Aimi added.
"No problem, girls! Come on, let's go get some!"
Ivy led the girls to the kitchen to get some lunch, and Marisa and I followed.