Chapter seven

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Hey guuyyss:) I have been so busy lately sorry! Geez it's so frustrating!!! Haha but hopefully this chapter will be better;) teehee

Please comment!!!!:)❤❤❤

It was now Sunday and me and dad were eating breakfast. "so, have you made any friends?" dad asked. I smiled thinking of Austin and Alex. "Yeah, I've made a few," I replied. "Good,good."

I finished the pancakes on my plate and placed it in the sink. I was washing off all the syrup when dad ran into me. "I'm so sorry honey. I was just called into the office. Have a few of your friends over. Ohh! And there is new food in the fridge make something later." he said smiling as he ran out the door.

This was normal to me now. Dad leaving mid-day and coming home late at night. for some reason, dad leaving put me in a really crabby mood. I washed the rest of the dishes and worked on the last of my homework. Then I heard banging.

I lifted my head and looked around. What the heck? It was a loud banging coming from outside. I left me books and walked to where the noise was coming from. Through the window I saw someone. They were using there hands to take off the window frame. I ducked down to the floor. Someone was trying to break in. Shit.

I looked around for something to protect myself with. But we still had some boxes unopened. I realized I had my phone. I slipped it out of my pocket and started to dial 911 with shaking hands. "Isabelle!" someone yelled. It scared me so much I dropped my phone on the hardwood floor. "Isabelle! Someone yelled louder. I peaked my head up just enough to see who it was.

I was really pissed off now.

"What the hell is wrong with you Austin?! You scared me!" I screamed. He giggled. "I'm sorry! All the doors were locked," he said. "You can't call me like a normal person!?" I asked. "I lost my phone," he said. "Seriously. I can barley breathe, that's how bad you scared me," I said. He laughed."Just let me in."

I let him in through the front door. "Seriously never do that again," I said sternly. "Ok,ok. Geez. What's up?" he asked. "My dad left a few hours ago for work and I'm here alone Untill 11," I said. "Oh. What does your dad do?" he asked. "He is an off set producer for different movies. He doesn't travel, but he's always in the office," I said. "Ah, I see," he replied.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "Yesss," he replied. "Well how does home-made spaghetti with fresh monsarela sound?" I asked. "Amazing!" he yelled. I smiled. "Wanna help?" I asked. "I'd love to," he replied with a smile.

We walked to the fridge and took out fresh tomatoes, monserela, And differnt spices. "What do we do first?" he asked. "First we boil noodles, then we cook the sauce," I said. He nodded.

We blended tomatoes with garlic and basil and let it simmer. "It smells amazing," Austin said. "Thanks," I said smiling. "Do you always like to cook?"he asked. I smiled. "my mom loved it. We would always bake differnt things in the kitchen. Just watching her smile while she did it, knowing she loved it. Now I love it," I said smiling as I went back in time. Austin smiled and flashed his hazel eyes at me.


We were sitting at the table eating. "Isabelle, this taste great. Good job," Austin said with his mouth full. "Thanks. But you did help me," I said smiling. "Well...I guess I am one heck of a chef," Austin said boasting. I laughed. "Of course you are, chef mahone," I said still laughing. He giggled.

"Why did you ask me to go to the mall with you? You'd think you'd want guys time," I asked. "Well, I was talking about you and the play when Robert thought we should invite you," he said. "Oh, I see," I said winking at him.

We finished our food and Austin helped me carry all the dishes to the sink. I filled the sink up with soapy water. Me and Austin began washing off plates and pans. I lifted my hand up out of the water and accidentally splashed soapy water onto Austin's face. "I'm so sorry," I said getting a towel for him. Instead he took a washcloth and dripped the water down my face. "You, did not just do that," I said as water dripped to the floor. "Ah ya, I think I just did," he said mocking me. I took a cup from the sink filled with water, and poured it over his head. "Isabelle Anderson," he said angrily. I laughed and he picked me up by my legs and swung me over his shoulders. "Austin efing mahone.," I said while laughing. "I'm soaking wet now!" he yelled. "well I'm sorry! I panicked!" I yelled tears of laughter filling my eyes. "Your gonna pay for that!" he yelled.

God he was so strong. He ran around the house never putting me down. I groaned because fighting was useless. "Austin please put me down," I said in my sweetest voice. "Teehee nope," he said. We finally came back to the kitchen. He put me down. "Agh, thank-" I didn't finish as austin poured a bowl of water on my head. "Austin!" I yelled. "Payback!" he screamed. I threw another cup of water at him, ignoring the soaking wet floor.

We had this water fight for a couple more minutes. Both of us were soaked. And we were breathing heavy. I tried to back away from him slowly. But as I did, I lost my balance and slipped on the soapy floor, bringing Austin down with me. He was on top of me. We just stared at each other. Not knowing what to say. His lips were right there, in front of me. He looked from my eyes to my lips. As he slowly moved in I turned my head. "I should probably clean up all this water," I said awkwardly. "I'll help," Austin said. "No it's fine," I said back. He was still on top of me. Why I didn't have the courage to kiss him, was beyond me.

Slowly Austin moved to the side and sat up. He moved up onto his feet and offered his hand to me. He helped me to my feet and walked to the door. " I had fun tonight, thanks Isabelle," he said with a slight smile. "I did to. Thanks for making me less lonely," I said with a wink. "Anytime," he said and walked out the door waving, as he made his way towards his car. I closed the door and went to clean up the watery mess.

As I soaked up water with towels one thought played through my mind.

Austin Mahone tried to kiss me. And I blew it.

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