Chapter 10

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Sorry guys, this is a really short chapter:/ I'm on fall break and I have nothing to do. I guess I could write...but we'll see what happens;) i couldn't think of a song of the chapter soo..if YOU can think of one then let me know;) thanks for reading!:)xx

Rehearsals have been going great. We finally moved onto the stage instead of going over the script. As for me and Austin... It's almost like the kiss never happened. But I'm going with it. Austin Is defiantly one of my good friends. But he doesn't act like he wants us to be more. Oh well,I've learned to move on in life. As much as it hurt.

It was Friday after rehearsals and I had nothing better to do than sit at home watching the Halloween episode of pretty little liars. I was hungry so I got up and made a peanut butter jelly sandwich. I laid out the ingredients and took out my phone to text Austin. I haven't talked to him in awhile.

Me: hey what's up?

I waited a few minutes for Austin to reply.

Austin: at the studio. Wanna hang out later?

Me: sure:)

I slipped my phone into my pocket.

As I was getting the bread from the bag my dad walked through the door.

"Hey honey," my dad smiled. "Hey dad. Why are you home from work so early?" I asked. He sighed. "For some reason I was really tired today. So I took off and decided to hang out with my daughter. You aren't doing anything tonight are you?" He asked as he began to make his own sandwich. I put my hand to my pocket, slightly disappointed. "Nope," I replied.

"Good," he smiled. "I even rented a movie for us to watch. The avengers! Man, I've been wanting to see it for awhile. What do ya think?" He asked . You know, for someone who was really tired he seemed really energetic. I worked up a smile," great," I said as I finished making my sandwich.

Dad walked over to the tv and put the movie in. "Izzy can you finish my sandwich for me?" He yelled. "Sure," I yelled back. I finished his sandwich and put both of them on a plate. Then I texted Austin.

Me: hey, dads back early he wants to hang out. Rein check?

He instantly replied.

Austin: of course. Have fun:)

I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch next to him. I handed a plate to him. "Thank you sweetie," he said. "Your welcome," I replied. I took a bite of the pbj as the movie began to play.

It was half way through the movie and dad took my hand. Dad was being so nice to me. Well, I guess I should expect it. But I just wasn't used to it. I looked over at dad. He was half asleep with his eyes opening and closing. "You still friends with that Austin kid?" He asked. "Yeah," I replied. "Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asked dozing. I rolled my eyes. "It's complicated," I replied. Dad shifted on the couch and laid his head on a pillow. "We'll you should fix it then," he said In a whisper. I looked at him confused. Fix what?

I looked over at him again but he was zonked out, and snoring. I looked from him to the door. Maybe I should go talk to him. I stood up and grabbed my purse. I go nowhere, without my purse. I opened the door and walked outside into the cool crisp air.

I started to walk in Austin's direction. The street lights my only source of light. Stepping on bright red leaves,they made a crunching noise beneath my feet. I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets, Regretting not bringing a jacket. I texted Austin that I was coming over, but he didn't text back.

I came to his house, but all his lights were off. Then it hit me that maybe he was with Alex or Robert. I started to walk in the other direction when I heard something. I turned to around to see Austin with someone on the side of his house. I got closer to see who it was. I gasped dropping my phone that was in my hand. They both turned around. Austin looked at me with shock and Taylor stared at me with a smirk.

Was I hurt? No. Confused? Yes.

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