Chapter eight

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I haven't updated for awhile I've been so busy!!:) I have homework and volleyball and other crap but anyways....hope you like it!!!:)❤❤it's like everytime I look at the views they keep going up! Thank you guys so much!!!:)💗and follow me on twitter grace_hayes558:)

"Isabelle!" Austin yelled as he chased me down the hallway. "Hey Austin!" I yelled to him as he came to my side. "You ready for rehearsals?" he asked. "oh yeah," I said smiling.

We walked into the auditorium to be greeted by mr.greene. "Everyone, please welcome the new Romeo and Juliet!" He yelled. Everyone applauded,except taylor.Not what I was expecting..but nice touch. I looked at Taylor. She has the look of jealously and maybe murder plastered all over her face. I quickly looked the other direction, not wanting to make eye contact. We sat down in the auditorium chairs and began reading off of our scripts.


Rehearsals ended just as quickly as they started. This first rehearsal was only 1 hour long. And we just read through the script.

Mr.greene mentioned the kiss. We read over the part where Romeo kisses Juliet passionately before he died, and he said that it was something that would have to be practiced. Those words created butterflies in my stomach and and raw jealously for Taylor.

"Hey you wanna go to a party tonight?" Austin asked me as I walked out of the school. "On a Monday?" I asked him. "Yeah. Something the cops won't be expecting," he said looking deviously at me. "Austin!" I yelled. "I'm kidding,I'm kidding," he said grinning. "Good. I don't want to have to bust you out of jail," i said with a wink. "You'd do that for me?!" He yelled happily. For some reason I blushed. "Of course, what are friends for?" I said jokingly. We walked to our cars. "I'll pick you up around 7:30. Your dad won't mind will he?" He asked. "He's probably in the office," I said yelling across the parking lot. "Ok see you later!" He yelled to me and we drove off towards home.


At home I grabbed some Cheese Its and finished my homework.

I got up and looked through my closet. I didn't know what to wear. I know, weird right? But I've never actually been to a party, with boys, and drugs. The drug part I figured. I mean, Austin did mention cops sooo.

I decided to go with my dark blue skinny jeans, a white lace tank top, and brown combat boots. I straightened my hair and went back over my mascara. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. I started singing Sparks Fly to myself as I walked into the kitchen.

"You have a pretty voice," Austin said to me.

I swear I jumped 3 feet into the air. "Oh my god Austin, what is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him. "I didn't mean to scare you. Just said that you have a pretty voice," he said smirking. "How the hell did you even get in here?" I asked panting. "The window," he said casually. "Austin you know there's something called a door right?" I asked him pointing to the front door. "We'll yeah, but what fun is that?" He said winking. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips.

We walked out to his car. ""Why didn't you just text me you were here?"I asked still shaking from the scare. "We'll you were taking to long," he said as we got into the car. "I could have opened the door for you," I said as we pulled out of the driveway. "I didn't want to bother you in..well what ever girls do to get ready," he said. I laughed. "Makeup,hair, clothes-" he stopped me. "That's way to much girly stuff for me to handle," he said jokingly and making a gross face. "Girly stuff? Why do guys always sag there pants past there underwear or-" he stopped me again. "Hey! It shows you have swag, ok?" I laughed and rolled my eyes. Soon Austin laughed with me.

We pulled into a house with a few cars parked in the driveway."Where is everyone?" I asked. "People like to park a few blocks away. I'll let you get out and im gonna go find somewhere to park. I'll meet you inside," he said. I nodded. I opened the door and stepped out. Austin pulled out and went onto another street.

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