Beauvilliers (Anthony Beauvillier x Reader)

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You and Tito had been high school sweethearts. You were so happy when he got drafted to the NHL, when he was a first round draft pick. When he became a for sure member of the New York Islanders, you went down to New York to help him find an apartment. And when the two of you found Tito a good apartment, he asked you to move to New York with him.

When you got accepted to New York and your post-secondary credits were transferred over, you were happy to move in with the love of your life. The long distance relationship the two of you had had was difficult and you were so happy to be spending more time with him.

And then you were given a surprise.

The Islanders were on a road trip when you found out you were pregnant. When the first test came back positive, you took another four tests and ended up with five positive tests staring back at you.

You told Tito as soon as he got home.

Both of you knew you were young, but it was something both of you wanted to do and something both of you knew you could do.

And Tito was so excited to be a dad! It was honestly so cute.


It was the off season. You were in Quebec at Tito's parents' house with his and your families, Mat and some of Tito' teammates like Anders and Ebs. You were a little over five months pregnant and Tito couldn't stop touching your growing bump.

Everyone kept asking you how you were doing and feeling and if you were excited, but the truth was was that the white cake in the kitchen had your full attention. It was your gender reveal and the inside of that cake was going to tell you if you were having a boy or a girl.

Tito wanted a little girl, but you wanted a baby boy who could grow up to be like his daddy ("and uncle Mat!") and play in the NHL.

You and Tito were going to cut the cake after dinner, and the longer the day went on, the more nervous Tito became. You just assumed that he was nervous about finding out the baby's sex. But, that wasn't the case. Tito had another surprise in store for you, which was why he was nervous.


As soon as dinner was over, Mat looked at you with his puppy dog eyes. "Can you please cut the cake? I want to know if I'm going to have a niece or nephew. And I want cake." He added that last part on after a moment.

You looked at Tito and he gestured towards the cake, so you stood up, Tito not far behind you. Yours and Tito's moms got up and cleared the table so that Tito could move the cake over to the table. A moment later Tito's mom was handing you a knife to cut the cake and your hands only shook a little.

Tito stepped behind you and pressed a kiss to your cheek before he covered your shaking hand with his own shaking hand. The two of you pressed down on the knife and cut the first piece of cake, both of you smiling brightly as your guests looked at you intently, waiting to know, since they couldn't tell due to the angle. Tito moved the piece of cake onto a plate and set it down in front of them.

"It's a boy!" He shouted with a smile and everyone cheered and clapped.

Though the clapping suddenly stopped and some of the jaws dropped while others smiled happily and you turned around confused to see Tito down on one knee holding a ring box. You gasped instantaneously and brought your hand up to cover your mouth.

"(Y/N)," Tito started and took a deep breath. "I love you and our baby so much. I know we're young and I know that we're going to make mistakes in our lives; but I also know that you and our son aren't mistakes. You're the farthest thing from a mistake. You are the light of my life and I can't imagine living without you. I don't want to imagine living without you. So, please marry me?"

You nodded your head, unable to speak as you tried not to cry and everything started clapping and cheering again. Tito stood up and pulled the ring out of the box and you held your left hand out, fanning your teary eyes with your right hand.

"Sorry, it's the hormones." You explained causing the girls to laugh.

Tito slipped the ring onto your finger and it fit, at least for the time being. You knew that in the later months it would become too tight then once you gave birth, it would become too big, but what mattered in that moment was that it fit.

You lifted your hand to better look at the ring, and it was gorgeous, not that the ring mattered.

You brought your eyes back up to Tito who was smiling nervously about the ring. "It's beautiful, baby." You told him and he let out a sigh causing the guys to laugh.

You stepped closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands finding your hips. "Fiancé." You whispered to him.

"We're having a boy." He whispered back. 

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