Chapter 33

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No one cares how much you know

----Duncan's POV----
It was dark now. Duncan stumbled out into the blizzard unnoticed. He stumbled into the deep thicket of trees. He trudged through the heavy snow, tripping and falling he ended up crawling through the cold.

He had ventured into the dark, cold, unknown. The dark, cold, unknown which festered into his mind. He breathed in snowflakes which burnt at his throat. Tears poured down his face, first hot then turning the same icerbic and cruel cold as everything else.

His mind swirled like the snowstorm around him. Burying him. He lay down knowing oblivion was soon approaching, he lay down and succumbed to the hungry blackness. He lay down and felt his heart thud wickedly against his rib cage, bruising him from the inside out. Please let it stop he begged, knowing and yet not knowing the consequences of his request. He just wanted to awful pain to cease, to stop, to end.

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