Chapter 6- Does it Get Better?

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2016, HYDRA Siberian Facility

Steve slumped down on one of the fold out chairs in the quinjet, staring at the young woman who had mysteriously turned up out of thin air

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Steve slumped down on one of the fold out chairs in the quinjet, staring at the young woman who had mysteriously turned up out of thin air. Now she was claiming to be the kid of his two closest friends.

Sure he had had his mind opened to a lot of crazy things since he'd unwillingly left the 40s. Apparently now time travel was possible, that was made clear by Clara, but he wasn't sure if he believed Emma. But he did know a way he could find out.

From the other side of the jet, he caught Emma's eye. He shifted in his seat and stood up, casually sauntering over to where Emma was sat. He folded down a seat and sat next to her.

"So," Steve prompted awkwardly, "You're from the future."

"I know what you're doing, Steve." Emma accused, "I can't tell you anything. It's too risky."

"What if I ask something meaningless? Can't hurt, right." Steve asked, determined to get a straight answer.

"I told you, I can't-"

"What if I asked you what I'd eat for lunch tomorrow? Meaningless, right? Can't hurt if you answer it."

"I can't, I told you. It's too dangerous. There could be serious repercussions if I-"

"Look, Emma. Help me out here." Steve reasoned, "If you were just minding your own business and this random girl turned up out of nowhere and told you she was from the future, would you believe them? Answer me honestly."

"I suppose not." She answered begrudgingly. "But I don't know how I'm supposed to prove this. I could literally say anything and you'd have to wait years to find out if it's true."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"But I might have something..." Emma said, trailing off at the end, unsure whether it would be too risky. She nodded to herself and reached into the pocket of her S.H.I.E.L.D tactical gear.

"You two have been friends for a long, long time, right?" Emma prompted, pointing at Bucky. Steve nodded. "You remember, back in the 1940s, when he first thought about spending the rest of his life with Clara?"

Again Steve nodded. He remembered it well. They were at a bar on just another normal night out and in a drunken haze Bucky had thrown the idea out there that he'd marry that girl one day. Look what became of that idea.

"What about it?" Steve asked skeptically. Emma held out a fist and slowly opened her hand. On her palm lay a delicate silver band with a single diamond in the center.

"It dates back to the 1940s. It's my mum's. You've seen it before, right? Does this prove that I'm telling the truth?"

"Yeah." Steve said, smiling softly at the ring. He certainly had seen it before. He'd assumed it got lost somewhere on the front lines. Steve smiled to know that Bucky'd have the chance to give it to her. "But can I ask you one thing? You don't have to answer if you-"

"Sure." Emma said, smiling weakly and nodded.

"Does life get better for him?" Steve asked. Both of them turned to look at where Bucky was still standing, just staring out across the frozen wasteland.

"Yeah. It does."

Steve stood up contentedly and nodded at Emma as he walked away. The snow was still flurrying across the ground in little white wisps. The wind was biting but Bucky seemed unaffected by it.

"You okay, bud?" Steve asked as he stood next to him. Looking at his friend, Steve noticed a bundle of old looking papers, tied up with an old bit of twine.

"I, er," Bucky mumbled, "I was just about to come and talk to you."

"You okay?" Steve asked, concerned.

"I found these." He said, holding up the bundle of papers for Steve to take. Steve flicked through them in his hand, skim reading the terms of affection scribbled down on each letter.

"Are these-?"

"Yeah. Those letters I wrote Clara back in the day. She kept them, I found then just before we came here but-"

"She kept them all?" Steve asked, happily astounded, "Wow."

"Yeah but then I found this." Bucky said, tugging out a single piece of paper that was tucked in with the rest.

"What's this?" Steve asked as he read through the sheet. It wasn't a letter like the rest of them, it was an old S.H.I.E.L.D file. There was a date at the top: 1946. The file still had the old SSR logo on it.

"Just read it." Bucky replied. Steve held up the file and read it aloud.

"Clara Lewis has been dropped of all charges...what is this?" Steve scowled in confusion and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Just keep reading." He prompted. Steve shook his head slightly and carried on reading.

"All offences of conspiracy have been dropped and Miss Lewis is no longer on the most wanted list. What the hell?"

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