Chapter 30- Unfinished Business

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1946- New York

A couple of months had passed since what Clara referred to as 'her time as a Russian spy' had happened

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A couple of months had passed since what Clara referred to as 'her time as a Russian spy' had happened. Howard had allowed Clara and Peggy to live in one of his many houses by way of apology and because Clara had forced him. Her name had been officially cleared and Peggy was allowed to resume her work at the SSR. Clara heard the door bang shut and put her book down just in time to look up at Peggy as she came home from work.

"Bad day?" Clara asked as Peggy headed straight for an armchair.

"A long day." She corrected, kicking off her shoes, "Agent Thompson got a promotion for all his work involving the Howard Stark case and you know what I got?"

Clara shook her head, prompting her to continue.

"A round of applause."

"That's not all bad." Clara tried reasoning but in comparison it was pretty bad.

"I could have at least received a raise!" Peggy flounced and shuffled her feet back into her shoes.

"You off?" Clara asked and picked her book back up. Peggy sighed deeply as if she were contemplating whether or not to tell Clara.

"I still have that vial of Steve's blood."

Clara lowered her book to rest it on her lap.

"I'm going to get rid of it." Peggy said rather matter of factly but Clara could tell by the sullen look in her eyes that this brought her great pain.

"I think that's a good idea." Clara said as comfortingly as she could. She of all people knew what would happen if the wrong people got their hands on anything that could recreate the super soldier serum. God knows they were trying hard enough already. Clara didn't have to look far to see it.

"What are you going to do now?" Peggy asked, changing the subject quickly before the thought of Steve caused her too much pain, "Now you're name's been cleared."

"I don't know." Clara said gravely. She'd thought all she wanted to do was go back to the present day but she feared the 'winter soldier' or whatever you wanted to call it was too far gone. Too much engraved in him. Too much had changed.

"I thought you would have been out of here the first chance you got." Peggy said, half smiling.

" too." Was Clara's sad but thoughtful reply. Clara was deep in thought. She knew what happened, with Peggy and her role in S.H.I.E.L.D. And with Howard too. But after everything that had happened, founding S.H.I.E.L.D seemed the furthest thing on anyone's mind. Clara stared straight ahead, lost in her thoughts. Howard had decorated the room, that much was clear. There were photos from the war neatly framed and dotted around the room. Perhaps it was fate that the photo directly opposite Clara was of the Howling Commandos. All of them together, looking happy, or as happy as one could be in the midst of war. Clara didn't know if she believed in fate after everything that had happened to her but she did take it as a sign.

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