Chapter 8- Leviathan

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1946, New York

"The Captain America Adventure Programme

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"The Captain America Adventure Programme." The radio presenter announced cheerfully in that old fashioned posh accent.

Captain America is fighting the Nazi's once again as America's sweetheart, Betty Carver, is held captive.

Clara rolled her eyes as she shifted in one of Howard's fancy looking armchairs. They may look luxurious but they definitely didn't feel it. This radio show can't be serious.

"American women are so weak!" A god awful German accent sounded from the radio. "You are coming with us, Miss Carver!"

"If only Captain America were here to rescue me!" A feminine voice cried out and Clara had to try her hardest not to scoff.

"Miss Carver isn't going anywhere with you, Nazi scum." Said a deep, heroic voice. This time Clara could help but let out a sigh. This wasn't anything like the sweet, Steve she knew who better resembled a cinnamon roll than a macho hero.

"Oh, could you turn that off?" Peggy snapped, causing Clara to nearly jump out of her skin.

"What the-!" She announced in surprise.

"Mind your language." Peggy snapped sarcastically, smirking at Clara.

"What are you doing here?" Clara demanded as she shot up out of the chair. Peggy sauntered in and clicked off the radio. "I thought you were on a mission?"

"I was." She replied nonchalantly, "And now I'm back."

"Oh. How did it go?" Clara asked somewhat suspiciously as she fiddled with her locket. Peggy plummeted into a chair in exhaustion.

"Our only lead is dead." She said, noting all the bad points of her fingers as she went, "The SSR are hot on our heels. And I got shot."

"What?!" Clara shouted, jumping to her feet. "Where? No! Don't get up. Oh God where's Howard's emergency kit?"


"Did you at least find out anything useful?" Clara asked as she knelt of the floor by Peggy's feet, as she gently wiped a cleansing wipe along the bullet wound in Peggy's thigh.

"I suppose we have something. It's not much to go off but-" Peggy said, hissing in pain as Clara pressed the wipe to her thigh. "We got to McFee's house and sure enough the milk float was outside, packed full of Nitramene vials."

"That's good, right? At least you found them all." Clara said as she slid her hands into a pair of medical gloves she had found tucked away in a dusty cupboard.

"Yes and no. It was good finding the Nitramene but less good finding someone about to drive off with it all." Peggy explained.

"What?" Clara asked in disbelief, "Who?"

"Leet Brannis." Peggy replied.

"Leet Brannis?" Clara asked, confused.

"Leet Brannis." Peggy nodded.

"Leet Brannis? Who's Leet Brannis?" Clara asked, pulling the glove further down her arm and picking up a sterile pair or tweezers.

"I'm not exactly sure." Peggy admitted.

"Well, what do you know?" Clara encouraged, steadying her shaking hands on Peggy's thigh.

"He was one of the those scientists we found at Roxxon." Peggy listed, "He had his voice box cut out and works for a secret, evil organisation called- Oh bloody hell!" Peggy exclaimed as Clara removed the bullet from her thigh.

"Bloody hell, eh? Interesting name." Clara teased and tossed the bullet into the bin she'd swiped from Howard's kitchen.

"Called, Leviathan." Peggy corrected.

"Leviathan?" Clara questioned, "Never heard of it."

"That is the general consensus for secret organisations." Peggy quipped.

"No, but consider this. If I haven't heard of them in the future, then they can't have, you know, taken over the world or anything." Clara reasoned, "Surely that means you beat them?"

"Things can change." Peggy remarked, looking honestly at Clara as she stitched up the wound in Peggy's thigh.

Things could change. Clara repeated it in her mind. Things could change. Clara could change them. She knew exactly where she needed to go to change them. She could save him before it was too late. But she had to stay away. All of those terrible things he would do had already been done, for her at least. All that was as good as history, and that's where it needed to stay.

"Clara?" Peggy asked, leaning down to look at her friend. The concern in her eyes almost made Clara cry.

"Yes. I'm fine." Clara reassured, guessing what Peggy was going to say. Peggy leant back in her chair so that must have been the answer she was looking for. Whether or not she believed her was a different matter.

"What's this Leviathan do then?" Clara asked, trying to take her mind off...she could barely say his name without breaking down.

"I'm not sure. The only clue I have was from Brannis. All he said was 'Leviathan is coming' and drew an odd symbol in the dirt." Peggy admitted.

"Well that's not ominous or anything." Clara snided sarcastically.

Peggy shrugged as she picked up a pencil left careless on an end table and began hastily drawing the symbol Brannis had drawn on a notepad left by the telephone. She slid the paper over to Clara who looked at it in confusion and shrugged.

"Leviathan is coming, huh." Clara repeated, feeling the flow of the words as she spoke them.

Leviathan is coming was their only clue. Leviathan was coming and they had better be prepared.

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