Chapter 10- The Plot Thickens

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1946, New York

"You sure about this, Peg?" Clara asked, leaning against the door frame in the hallway as Peggy brought her bags down the stairs and left them by the door

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"You sure about this, Peg?" Clara asked, leaning against the door frame in the hallway as Peggy brought her bags down the stairs and left them by the door.

"It's been lovely staying with you Clara, it really has, but I can't stay here any longer." Peggy protested sweetly, picking up her bags and opening the door, "The SSR already suspect I'm up to something and if they were to come here and find me staying in a wanted criminal's house... They may be idiots but they're not that stupid."

"I suppose you have a point." Clara agreed reluctantly, "But does it have to be now? You're still recovering from a gunshot wound and, no offence, but you look knackered."

"It's too risky, Clara." Peggy asserted, she already had one foot out the door, "It'll bring us both down if the SSR turn up. Then you'll never get back."

It wouldn't be the worst thing- Clara thought. If that were to happen, if she got stuck in the past, then to hell with changing the timeline. She knew where he was and if there was no way back to the present then there was nothing stopping her taking on the HYDRA scientists responsible for the Winter Soldier.

But Peggy was right, the whole thing was too risky.

"You do have somewhere to go, don't you Peggy?" Clara asked, walking over to the front door to see her friend off. Peggy stopped walking down the driveway and turned back to face her. She smiled reassuringly.

"I'll be fine." Peggy convinced. For once Clara didn't feel a single shred of doubt. Her S.H.I.E.L.D training had ingrained it into that she should always be looking over her shoulder. But she knew Peggy could and would handle anything.

Peggy waved cheerfully over her shoulder back at Clara as she disappeared down the driveway. Clara sighed contently once she was out of view and closed the door behind her, slinking back into the library, to finally enjoy some peace and quiet. No Peggy was gone, Clara would have so much free time without all the sleuthing.


A knock on the door jolted her awake. Clara rubbed sleepily at her eyes, she must have nodded off in Howard's library. The knock at the door sounded again, this time more forcefully. Clara frowned, she wasn't expecting anyone.

The library was directly opposite the door, the glass in the windows was frosted, but not completely opaque. Whoever was at the door would surely see her if she tried to sneak upstairs. Something about all this seemed wrong. Who would knock at the door of a wanted criminal?

Clara kept flat against the walls as she crept up to the doorway, trying to peer around and sneak a look at whoever was at the door without them seeing her. Footsteps on the stairs made her freeze. From her position, she could just make out the stop of the stairs. Two feet came into view, two smart leather shoes, hardly the footwear of intruders. Clara released a sigh of relief as she realised it was only Jarvis.

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