Chapter 25- Transparent

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2016, aboard the Quinjet

Heather looked up briefly as she heard footsteps coming towards her

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Heather looked up briefly as she heard footsteps coming towards her. It was Emma. She had evidently become bored having to sit around all the others. It was nice to have them back, Sam, Clint, Wanda and Scott but for Emma, Heather supposed they were just more strangers.

Emma did know them all, or at least she had heard of them. Most children got read bedtime stories but not all children got told bedtime stories about their parents' escapades as superheroes. Emma knew them all. But her favourite by far had to be her aunt Heather. She hadn't been told any stories about her, she didn't need to have been told stories about Heather. She got to live them. But, for now, Heather wasn't even a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

Emma had to repress a laugh as she saw her infamous aunt Heather actually reading a manual for the quinjet. And for such outdated tech too! That stuff should have been in a museum! Heather kept flicking her eyes over at Emma. It made her feel weird. Heather had never looked at her like she was trying to figure her out. Like she thought Emma was strange. Emma looked down, to avoid her gaze, and saw yet another manual under the passenger seat. She reached down and picked it up, letting it rest open on her lap. At least it gave her something to do.

The others in the back of the quinjet had started to argue. No one really knew what was going to happen next, no one except Emma. They were, all of them, wanted by the goverment and the only person who wasn't, hadn't even been born yet. Emma let the manual slide down her leg, she wasn't really paying it much attention. She was just trying to overhear any kind of plan.

Absentmindedly, Emma reached for the book to turn the page but felt nothing. Her fingertips didn't even brush each other as she missed the book. She heard Heather gape and saw her mouth fall open out of the corner of her eye. She ignored her though, got up and walked back to join the others in the hopes that she'd catch what the plan was next.

"We've received asylum in Wakanda." Steve was explaining. Emma nodded. That made sense they'd go there. "Everyone take a pack. We don't know how long we're going to be here for." He instructed and started throwing S.H.I.E.L.D branded backpacks to everyone. They were filled with the kind of things that S.H.I.E.L.D saw as essentials: sleeping bags, first aid kits, food, that kind of thing. Emma held out her hands instinctively as Steve turned to her. But the pack never reached her. Or so she thought. She didn't feel it reach her.

Everyone froze. Everyone was staring at her.

Emma looked down at her feet. Then she looked behind her. The back pack had landed behind her.

"Oh no." She mumbled.

She hadn't missed it.

"Look, I know you just asked me along because you were short on numbers and I'm probably going to sound stupid for asking this but," Scott piped up, "What the hell is going on?!"

The back pack had gone through her!

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