Chapter 28- In The Eye Of The Storm

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1946- New York

"Okay, everyone agree that that's the plan?" Clara confirmed

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"Okay, everyone agree that that's the plan?" Clara confirmed. Everyone nodded. Everyone except Howard.

"Um, no." He protested but no one paid him any attention. "I don't see why I have to be used as bait!"

"Because it's your fault we're all in this mess." Peggy snapped without even looking at him.

"It's my fault that Clara's here is it?"

"Yes." She said without a moment's hesitation, "You invented that damned time machine."


"So, everyone's in agreement?"


"Still no!" Howard called back.

"Still don't care."

The others got out of the car and stood in the middle of the street outside the SSR headquarters. Sure enough, at the window to one of the offices was the man Howard told them about.

Peggy knew who he was, of course. The other agents had been very proud of themselves for rescuing a defective Soviet doctor. Or at least, that's what he told them. Not so much a defective as a spy working with Clara's favourite spy, Dottie Underwood.

During the war, he had worked with Howard. That's where Howard fit into the plan. He and the doctor weren't on the best of terms. Using Howard as bait to lure him out was the safest, and surest, plan of action. Not that Howard saw it that way.

"This plan has to work..." Clara heard Peggy mumble under her breath as they waited for Howard to summon the courage to do his part of the plan.

"Peg," Clara began, "It'll work."

"It has to work." She said sternly, "Do you know what day it is today?"

"Most of the time I don't know what year it is." Clara explained, shaking her head.

"VE day was a year ago."


"There's going to be a big celebration in Times Square. Everyone's going to be there. And if Dottie's got this gas-"

"Then everyone's going to maul each other to death." Clara finished. "Thanks again, Howard."

"It has to work." Peggy mumbled.

"It will." Clara mumbled back, both of them talking to themselves. Both of them reassuring themselves.

Peggy, Clara and Jarvis, stood on the sidewalk. Each spaced out and trying to blend in with the bustle of daily life. All three of them fixed their eyes on Howard's car, waiting for the plan to begin.

Clara's chest tightened as she door clicked open and Howard, smooth as anything, slid out of the car and started walking down the street. For a condemned man, she thought more people would be staring at him. But he strode down the street without anyone so much as batting an eye. Sure there were a few girls whispering and pointing but Clara had expected the SSR to come flooding out and arrest him. She only hoped the rest of the plan would work.

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