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November 8th 1947- New York

Clara ran down the cobbled alley, her heels catching in between the stones threatening to twist her ankles but in her urgency, she kept running

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Clara ran down the cobbled alley, her heels catching in between the stones threatening to twist her ankles but in her urgency, she kept running.

Maggie was waiting for her outside the church, and indigent look on her face, hands on her hips. Her bouquet was cocked comically on her hip.

"Do you have any idea how late you are?" She hissed once Clara stopped running. She was doubled over, panting, her tight dress pinching her waist as she caught her breath.

"Sorry, something came up." Clara mumbled.

"I had to wait outside in the cold, for forty minutes." Maggie snapped, "It's November! It's bloody cold!"

"Well, that's on you for choosing to get married in November." Clara quipped back, "You want me to hold your veil up?"

"No! My train. Did you even read the guide I put together?"

"I think you already know the answer is no."

Maggie sighed.

"Maggie," Clara said softly as they prepared to enter the church, "You look beautiful."

"Where even were you?" Maggie hissed behind her as she walked down the aisle, Clara was holding her train like a very tall looking flower girl rather than a maid of honor.

"I was stuck at work!"

"At the phone company? They seriously wouldn't let you leave?"

Clara had almost forgotten the SSR headquarters was disguised as a phone company.

"Yeah, they had a lot of calls..." She lied.

When Maggie reached the front of the church, she handed her bouquet to Clara. Clara stood to one side and watched, a genuine smile on her face, as Maggie stepped up to stand beside a beaming Sam Turner and deliver her vows. It was a nice change of pace, a wedding. It reminded her that after everything she'd been through, life still went on. People got married and had children. Heck she'd even met Maggie's future granddaughter! There was living proof. Perhaps things with Bucky weren't as bleak as they looked. Maybe it was time she stopped living in the past, literally, and moved on.

A car was waiting outside the church after the happy couple said 'I do' but it wasn't for them. The window wound down as the wedding party came outside and who was at the wheel? Edwin Jarvis. And who was in the back because he could afford to have a valet? Howard Stark.

"Miss Lewis," Jarvis called out as soon as they left the church. Clara glanced apologetically at Maggie and mouthed that she had to leave. Maggie didn't notice, she just stared dumbfounded through the tinted back windows and whispered to her bridesmaids.

"Howard Stark is at my wedding!"

Howard swung open the back door of the car and Clara slid in.

"What?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

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