Chapter 14- Hostage

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1946, New York

"What are you talking about?" Clara nattered down the phone as she paced around the kitchen, well, as far as the cord permitted, "Howard's being held for ransom?" She asked in disbelief

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"What are you talking about?" Clara nattered down the phone as she paced around the kitchen, well, as far as the cord permitted, "Howard's being held for ransom?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Miss Lewis." Jarvis confirmed, "He bargained with a smuggler."

"He smuggled himself into America?" Clara asked, laughing in confusion.

"Yes, Miss Lewis."

"But...why's he being held for ransom?"

"He didn't pay the smugglers." Jarvis explained. Clara laughed, a loud, unattractive, raucous laugh that she was sure made Jarvis raise his eyebrows.

"Sounds like Howard." Clara smiled. "So, what's the plan?"

"Clara. It's Peggy." Peggy greeted bluntly. Clara could almost hear Peggy snatch the phone right out of Jarvis' hands.

"So? Are you going to tell me? What's the plan?" Clara repeated.

"That's the thing, Clara." Peggy excused, "I don't think it's a good idea that you come along."


"Sousa's been hell bent on tracking down the 'Soviet Spy'. Ever since he saw you leaving the docks he's convinced you're the one behind it. They're still convinced Howard's harbouring someone so it's best you stay in the shadows." Peggy explained.

"Is that why I've been on house arrest and you're only phoning me now?" Clara quipped, "It's been almost three days since the docks!"

"I am sorry, Clara but we really can't afford to lose you at this point."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Clara grumbled, "I can't believe they don't take you seriously but they think I'm a criminal mastermind! I mean, me!" Clara laughed off, rolled her eyes for good measure, and hung up the phone.


Clara had busied herself with reading in Howard's library. She was rather impressed with the range of books Howard possessed as he didn't strike her as the literary type. She was surprised and delighted to find one of her all time favourites, Dracula, hidden at the back of one of the grand bookcases. She didn't really fancy reading any of Wordsworth...

A few hours must have passed before the phone chimed once again. Slowly, still reading the book so she could continue reading to the end of the chapter, Clara made her way to the phone. She juggled the book and the phone, eventually managing to clamp the phone between her ear and shoulder, still looking down at the open book his her hands, Clara answered.


"It's me."

"I'm going to need a more specific answer I'm afraid. I get lots of calls." Clara quipped, sounding distracted as her eyes skimmed the page.

"It's Peggy." She clarified, Clara could hear her roll her eyes. "And you most certainly do not get lots of calls." She snapped back at her.

"I do." Clara quipped, "You've called me twice today already. What's up?"

"'What's up?'" Peggy repeated, her tone heavy with confusion.

"Why are you calling?" Clara repeated, this time in a way Peggy could follow. She had no idea language had changed so much in only 70 years.

"Don't look outside-"


"You didn't let me finish." Peggy snapped, "Don't look outside because the SSR have set up perimeter around the house."

"What?!" Clara exclaimed, putting the book face down on the sideboard and clutching at the phone as if it would make her concentrate more. "What are they doing?"

"I don't know for sure but my guess is Sousa's made a move forward with the whole spy thing." Peggy explained, "No one at the SSR informed me about a bust. They probably still suspect I'm up to something."

"Am in danger?"

"Not for now. Stay inside and try not to make too much movement. If they don't see any reason to enter the house, they won't." Peggy ordered. Clara nodded rapidly and sighed, taking in deep breaths. "The plan's changed, as you've probably guessed. I've taken Howard back to mine. I've prised him off the other women and hauled him up in my room. He should be safe here for a while. Until the threat's cooled down over at the house. Then we'll move him in."

"Okay. Okay." Clara repeated, peering around her manically in her agitation. "Okay. Urm. No, actually, it's not okay. What do I do? What do I do if they come in?"

"The SSR may be run by a bunch of sexist pigs but they're not stupid. They're good agents and want to do good by their country. They won't break in unless they have good reason. They need solid evidence, Clara. You'll be fine." Peggy insisted, "And if they do try anything, give them a reason to believe you're a highly skilled Soviet agent."

"So...? Punch them in teeth?"



Agent Daniel Sousa of the SSR was currently directly outside Howard's mansion. More precisely, he was right outside the library window. From where Clara was talking on the phone in the hallway, he couldn't see her. Yet, as Clara hung up and absentmindedly returned the book to the shelf, she didn't realise she had past inview of the window. 

Although Sousa could barely see her in the restricted view he had and the dim lighting of the library, as he held up the photograph that captured Clara's presence at La Martinique, he just about managed to confirm their likeness. Raising a clunky walkie-talkie to his ear he gave the command.

"Suspect is in sight. It's her," He hissed quietly into the radio, his voice full of contempt for the foreign agent threatening his country, "It's the Soviet spy."

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