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  Bakugo's POV

     The whole class 1-A where having a party in the lounge room. The whole fucking class, and frankly they were all being to noisy for Bakugo's taste. The class wanted to get to no each other a little better, and so Raccoon Eyes threw the party. But I wasn't going to complain I got to play video games, like right now Shitty Hair and I were playing video games on the couch, I was on a 2 hour win streak and was planning on keeping it up for the rest of the night. Shitty Hair was coming at me, swinging his pump shotgun which by the way he only got because I felt in need of a challenge. I was pressing the controller buttons to hard for anyone's own good trying to get them to work a little fucking faster. I was just about to blast his sorry ass up, when grape came. This little bitch stood right in front of my end of the TV and started talking his petty fucking mouth off to raccoon eyes, and Naked lady. Shitty Hair shot me in the head he shot me in the head, and Game Over sprawled across the screen. I screamed in anger! This fucking num-nuts!! I stood up and picked grape up by his shirt collar.
"YOU MADE ME LOSE, YOU SHITTY ASS GRAPE!!!" I yelled shaking him violently.
"I-I... Listen I-I just wanted t-to to.."He squeaked out before going limp.
"WHAT YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" I shook him harder until a hand was on my shoulder, it was a firm grasp so I knew who it was. I dropped piss grape and turned to see the Half'N'Half bastard.
"The Fuck Do You Want!"I growled, my fists were still clenched, I was ready to blow someone's ass up. The half'N'half bastard stared straight at me before replying.
"Don't get so riled up, we're trying to have a pleasant party and we don't need someone to rampage and demolish everything, it's just a game so get over it already Bakugo."He said in his monotone, almost robotic like voice. His eyes were almost soft like, almost. And suddenly out of nowhere, I mean complete nowhere, I thought he was good looking.
Bipolar much!?
I mean how could I go from raging fucking bull to hello your cute in like not even a minute!? What the actual fuck was going on? I need a doctor.
     I stood stiffly for a moment before-
"Tch, whatever IcyHot bastard!"
And walked out, and into the kitchen...... bipolar much?.........

I stood silently, leaning on the kitchen counter. I was trying to calm myself down but.... I was fucking pissed. It was like a fucking storm had been brewing in my chest, just begging to be let out. I slammed my fist onto the counter, a loud Bang followed. Why did it have to be so complicated?.... why did I have to be so complicated!? It was so frustrating, not being able to show any emotion other than anger.... it sucked, but it was really all I knew how to do. For years it had been this way... nothing but anger shown to anyone, it was shitty. It was like I had been probed by a fucking alien when I was five, and never had any other emotion since. Like the fuck.
God I need to do something....
I looked over to the refrigerator, I could cook!
Yeah.... I could cook something.
That would take my mind off things.
        I walked over to the cabinets, and looked over the food inside. Instant ramen..... instant ramen..... instant ramen?...... INSTANT FUCKING RAMEN. WHO THE FUCK— I slammed the cabinet closed, and walked to the other ones. There was some rice, bread, normal stuff you can actually cook something with. So I decided to cook rice and noodles or something like that. I got a pan from another cabinet and then started the stove.
(Time skip bc I don't know how to cook)

Todoroki's POV

  The party continued, although people were getting like really annoyed. Mostly because a lot of them hadn't eaten. Kirishima was talking with Deku and I was beside him talking with Momo.
"I think I'm going to get stomach cramps if I don't eat soon Todo!" She said
"Eh, I'm probably just going to have soba or something along the lines of that."
"Ha, sounds like you Todo, especially with the soba, I mean you really like it." She says
"Excuse me but soba is way to good to be ignored!"I said crossing my arms. She looked at me, and raised an eyebrow.
A smell drifted into my nose.
It smelled like cooking rice... and soba?
Kirishima noticed the smell too. He looked over to the kitchen. Bakugo was standing there making food, and dressed in an apron. Like no shirt... just an apron. Even at this distance I could see almost... almost how the apron barely covered his mussels.
"HEY, Bakugo's making food!!"Kirishima yelled. Everyone turned eyes to the kitchen, Bakugo looked up. His eyes were narrowed.
"The fuck are you dumbasses staring at!?" He growled out. Most everyone ignored and shot questions like—
"What are you making?"

"Are you making enough for everyone!?"

"When did you learn to cook???"

"How did you not tell us!?"
And Bakugo just stood silently... he was going to speak, and he probably would have yelled 'fuck off' if I didn't step in.
"Let Bakugo cook guys... he'll probably let us know when he's done." I said just loud enough for everyone to here. They all shut up, and went back to talking. Momo stared at me, then shoved me towards the kitchen.
"Uhh Momo What was that for?"I asked quietly.
"Your the one who said to let Bakugo cook... so your going to tell us when he's done!" She shooed me to the kitchen.
    I was one; scared out of my fucking mind and two; confused on why I actually didn't mind talking to Bakugo. So I found myself walking to the kitchen. Stepping through the doorframe I peered inside, Bakugo seemed to not notice me... which was weird because he once blew up Kaminari's face because the dude was going to prank him. It was amusing to watch Bakugo mad. And in a way maybe.... kinda... cute...?
God that's embarrassing to think.
"Are you going to stand there forever IcyHot!?"Bakugo suddenly spoke up, his voice was smooth and rough but tinted with the slightest.... slightest.... bit of emotion. He stared at me, his brows were slightly furrowed but not fully and again he was only wearing an apron. Like you could legit see his mussels pop from under his apron....... and how he was like 7 inches shorter than I was....... and how he was so.....
damn I think I'm drooling.......
"Uhh IcyHot I know I'm good looking and all but can you come help with this fucking soba..?"He said slightly annoyed. My eyes widened-
Oh shit, he caught me staring big oof.
"I-I Yeah... I'll come help" I said making my way over there silently.
"Ok well maybe try stirring this shit, and when your done get bowls for everyone!" He said sternly, handing a wooden spoon to me. I took it and started stirring the soba.
Hehehe I absolutely suck at cooking....
I know nothing so... I don't really know what people in Japan eat so... rice and noodles 😂 hoped you like and I'm prob going to slow the story a LOT
Anyway hope you enjoyed peace.

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