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Bakugo's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!?" I scream, my jaw is wide open as Todoroki walks with me in his arms. His grip was firm, kind of like a protective hold.

"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!  BASTARD!!" I try to wriggle from his grip, but all he does is tighten his grasp on me, he keeps jogging making head practically kill its self.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit.
Why the fuck is he carrying me!? This is bullshit!! I'm a fucking man! I should not be fucking carried by another dude who I may or may not appreciate!!! That's it I'm not doing this!!

"Put me down! I can walk on my own!! I don't need your help!!!! Come on!! What The Fuck dude put me down!!" I make explosions with my palms.

He ignored me.

"Come on!!! YOOO!!!! OII!!! Hey dead brain you alive!??? HELLO!!!!" I screamed, my head throbbed harder. He ignored once again. Oh fuck naw!! I HATE BEING IGNORED!

"YO!! Listen American Flag, I'm not fucking around with you today, so put me the fuck down before your fucking head is detached from your daft ass!" I growled, glaring daggers at him. He still ignored me. THE FUCK.

We were almost to Recovery Bitch by this point so, why not let me walk!???

Is this bitch daft or some shit!!????



My back was met with hard concrete walls and IcyHot was pinning me to it. his face mere inches from mine, his eyes were burning with fury.

"Hey!! WE GOT TO GO!"I say my scowl met with angry multicolor orbs.

"I'm so glad you realized that Bakugo! Now that you have, how about you stop trying to annoy me and be cooperative!? Your head is bleeding and I'm trying to help you now stop being a fucking show case! Got it!" He snaps backing away. His fists were clenched and he tried steadying his breathing.

I lean against the wall. This was the second time in the three years we've been at this school that he's been mad, he looked hot when being so. As gay as that sounds.

"How far is recovery bitch?" I ask slightly slightly empathetic.

"Another few halls down. Why?" He answered.

"Because I think I can make it on my own, but I'll probably need you to lean on." I say making my way down the hall. The peppermint followed me, he stayed close.

My head rung in my ears, and boy let me tell you I was tired! I wanted to sleep but my head kept pounding keeping me awake.

Shiit... I'm so tired......

I fell. Once again in the span of 20 fucking minutes. My head felt like it burst out of my fucking scull, and my vision blurred.

There were two worried looking eyes before nothing at all.

Todoroki's POV

Recovery girl had put Bakugo on a bed, she stitched him up and let me say, that was more blood than my stomach could handle.

I was sitting in a chair across from him, he had slept for about an hour. Man I hope we don't miss lunch! That would fucking suck. Though Bakugo is okay so that's a plus.

His face was quite calm, almost relaxed in the setting. Which was a rare occurrence, he was almost always mad. He looked peaceful more calm in fact then I have ever seen him be.

The door slammed open. Mina and Kirishima came rushing in.

"Where The Fuck is he!???????" Mina screams running to me and shaking my shoulders. Kirishima stepped in between her and me, stopping her from braking my shoulder blades.

"Calm down Mina! Todoroki will answer you don't have to kill him!" He says. They face me.

"He's sleeping peacefully. I would advise you stay quiet and don't wake him up. He's over there if you would like to visit him." My monotone voice was perfect, unreadable from my real emotions.

They turned silently to look at Bakugo, I could tell with deep enthusiasm that they were concerned for his well being. Especially Mina, her nose was broken and she has to go to the hospital frequently to make sure it doesn't get more injured.

"Hey Todoroki, when were you and Bakugo friends?" Mina turned to me again, her face set in extreme confusion.


Oh dear gods, fuck my life and my stupid asshole of a dad for creating me.

"Uhh, well I don't know... I just wanted to get to know him?" My reply was dull. Mina squinted at me she seemed unfazed, or she legit thought I was lying. And I was. Sort of.

Kirishima jumped in the conversation.

"You know Todoroki, Bakugo doesn't really handle emotions correctly right? And you do know that I'm his best friend, right" He looked like he was ready to question my very existence if I didn't reply.

"Listen. I get you guys are close, but I want to get to know him, now if that's a problem than you can get the fuck out. I dont care if you know everything about Bakugo but let me get this straight, Bakugo is and always has been

Mina smirked. Kirishima smiled. I was confused.

"I knew you liked him! It was a suspicion me and Kirishima has for a while!"

Bakugo groaned.
Mwahhaha!!!! Again if you have any recommendations please tell me them! I'm already working on the next chapter that will have the cutest things! ':3

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