He's not that angry

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Todoroki's POV

Bakugo looked at me, his face was flushed and he looked down after a minute.
"You don't have t-to I just thought-

I pulled him into my arms laying my head on his shoulder. He stiffened, he gripped my shirt and pulled on it. He was on the verge of crying again, I knew he didn't want too He was to stubborn to do it on his own. He breathed heavy and I knew by the slight jerking that he was trying hard not to cry again.

"You can cry Bakugo.... I won't think any less of you." I whispered into his ear, he jerked one last time before exploding into tears. He gripped me tightly. He growled through all of the tears and looked mad. Tears streamed like rivers down his face. I patted his back humming to him.

"Did Kaminari do anything we couldn't see Bakugo?" I asked him moving so I was leaning against his wall.

Flashback, brought to you by Katsuki POV

Kaminari got closer to me, his hands slowly reaching around my waist. He pushed his lips onto mine roughly, I looked away trying not to kiss him. He snarled into my ear pushing my face to meet his. He licked my lip, asking for entrance, I denied glaring at him. I pushed him slightly, he didn't move. He got in between my legs and kept forcing me down. Kirishima and the rest of the class where yelling and panicking. I pushed him again, harder. He zapped my hand with electricity, it stung and I immediately moved it away. He started moving his hips, grinding hard and slow. I started making small explosions when he whispered in my ears,
"I may not get to fuck you right now Katsuki, but I will sometime."
That was the last fucking straw for me, I but his lip as hard as I could and shoved him. His brows furrowed and he raised a hand to smack me, IcyHot came and nicked him away......
End of flashback

"He did all that? I only saw a couple things, I'm sorry I didn't help sooner." IcyHot slurred his words, he looked ashamed.

He shouldn't be. He saved me from one of the worst experiences of my life.

I gripped his shirt leaning into him. I normally wouldn't do this, not even with Kirishima. But I guess the bastard warmed up to me, he was cool I guess. Even though he was my rival, he was a good person and in any other scene I could see him as an equal.

"Hey Bakugo, do you want to do something to pass time?" He looked at me, his face was back to robotic like.

"Sure.... do you know how to draw?" I asked him skeptically, he looked at me for a second before replying.

"Yeah! I used to draw a little."

I got up and went to my desk, I pulled out my sketch book and ripped out a page for him. I grabbed a tray I used for drawing and grabbed color pencils and normal mechanical ones. I through the paper and tray at him before sitting down.

"What style do you draw in Bakugo?"

"Realism, I like drawing realistically, especially people and objects." I flipped open to a page and started sketching something random.

"Do you ink? Or no?"

"No I don't like how it looks, I only ink when I water color."

"Do you like... color pencils or paint better?"

"Both really, but I like colored pencils better if there good quality."

"How much do you draw?"

"Almost every day if I can."

"How many people know you draw."

"Only a couple, your the 7 probably."

"Who else?"

"My old hag,
My old man,
My older cousin,
Mr. Aizawa,

"How does Mr. Aizawa know?"

"Well.... when I lashed out on some people and he caught me, he would confront me and usually make me try and calm down, so I either drew or listened to blasting rock music." I said trying to find a red colored pencil.


We continued talking, really about anything my drawing was increasing in capacity as I drew and I had to get up several times to find a color that wasn't in the jar of pencils. Peppermint put on different movies and looked at his phone occasionally. His drawing was a bunch of small cartoon doodles.

When I was finally done, my wrist was spazzing out. I shook it and glared at it. Peppermint layed next to me he looked at his drawings.

"Hey Bakugo want to grade each other's drawing?" He asked looking over his a few more times.

"Sure." I gave him my sketchbook, I looked at the piece of paper.

He doodled little characters, dogs, cats, turtles any animal. He drew a small fight scene like comic between a rabbit and fox. He did several different eyes and even a few bowls of soba. All in all he did alright.

"Your drawings are pretty good peppermint stick." I looked up at him, he was staring down at my drawing. He looked pretty happy.

I got closer scooting next to myself next to him. He holds up the drawing.

"I didn't know you could draw stuff like that...

"I didn't know you could draw stuff like that

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Oh Jesus. I didn't even realize how slutty this picture looked, oh damn. Was I blushing? Why the fuck was my face hot.

"Eh, I mean I guess it's a surprise-

"No I mean that you drew me."

"W-well I mean you are my friend... so I need at least one drawing of you... and I guess that's how I envisioned you at that second."

"Didn't know you thought about me shirtless."

Okay now my face really heated up. This bastard twisting my fucking words around.

"I'm not complaining though, I mean envision me shirtless all you want, I don't mind." This bitch....

"S-SHUT UP YOU FUCKING Half'N'Half BASTARD!" I yelled at him crossing my arms and looking the other way. He laughed and I could tell he thought I was funny.

"Ey, come on Bakugo, it's all in good fun!" He looked at me with one of his rare smiles.

I think it looked cute.... which sounds so gay but eh I don't give a shit or two. His face genuinely lit up and softened when he smiled, it was like a ray of sunshine sitting in my room. I could feel my heart pick up a very fast pace, my cheeks felt like a burning building.

"Hey, uhm Bakugo.... you know how a few weeks ago you where supposed to sit with me at lunch?" Todoroki pearled at me.

"Yeah when my head split open?"

"Mhmm, Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to do that again, tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure I'll eat with you."  

I think my heart spazed out on me.

Oof I was so into this chapter Jesus. Anyway give me feed back and hope you enjoyed!

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