Something Weird

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This is the note featured in this chapter!!

Bakugo's POV

The day was boring. The whole fucking class boring. Our crack addict teacher slept the whole morning, All Might basically just lectured us about drugs and what nots, and now I was sitting at a table in the cafeteria bored out of my mind with shitty hair and raccoon eyes trying to make jokes.

"Bakubro!" Shitty hairs idiotic voice snapped my attention to him and reality.

"The fuck you want shitty hair?"

"Uhm, there's a note here for you..."

"Who the fuck sends notes!? Who was it!?"

"Uhm it legitimately just got here, a couple first years gave it to us"

Ughhhhhhh. This bitch. I snatched the note from the table and read it.

To: Bakugo
Meet me at on the roof during lunch. I have something important to discuss.
And do NOT bring anyone else.

P.S. if you tell anyone, something different will happen.

I looked at the note, crumbled it up and burned it with a small explosion.

"Ive got to go." I stood up abruptly and walked out of the cafeteria making my way to the roof.


The door to the roof was already open when I got up there, so I just walked up and onto the roof. I slammed the door loudly behind me before looking around.

"YO!! Who the fucks here!? Come out or whatever!" I yelled at know one in particular.

"Ahh Bakugo! You actually came up! I had a distinct thought you wouldn't... or at least not if you new I was up here because after the little... incident." Pickachu came out from behind me.

"What the fuck? What did you want dunce face!?"

"Ahh nothing much... I just wanted to confess."

I looked at him. Backed up a bit, and spoke in a harsh tone.


"Yes confess, confess that I'm utterly and non jokingly in love with you Bakugo." He took a step closer.

"Oh, and that I want you to be my boyfriend.... Katsuki.."

WTF!? NO, why would he even think I would... after what he did? What!

"Uhm, no. Kaminari no. Just fucking n-o"

Kaminari's face fell. He took another couple steps toward me until his body was laying on top of mine and I was forced back against the concrete of the small building the door was settled to.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't share your feelings, and you pulled an ugly ass fucking truck the other day! And can you back off!?" I shoved him a little.

He growled at me, and got up in my face again.

"Do I have to punish THE Bakugo Katsuki for not playing fair?"

I glared at him and pushed him again, he got even closer and pinned my shoulders back. I growled profanities at him, and tried kicking him. He didn't seem to care and put his mouth on the crook of my neck. His tongue almost slithered out of his mouth as he licked at my neck. I kicked him more harshly and made explosions. He snarled at me and pinned my hands back, using the most harsh electric jolts to restrain my hands.

"You know Bakugo, I think I should continue this another time... but right now let's go back to lunch? Your sticking by me all day."

"Why bitch."

He looked at me, and calmly said-

"Because if you don't, I'll tell the whole school what your diagnosed with."

I stared at him in pure shock and horror. I got diagnosed with pre- physcotic behavior over a year ago, which basically means, if I get to mad I can do pretty fucked up shit.

"Fine. But if you tell a single soul-

"Oh don't worry, I won't." He took my hand roughly and dragged me to the cafeteria.


No ones POV

Kaminari and Bakugo arrived in the cafeteria, Kaminari was holding Bakugo's hand and smiling wildly, while Bakugo looked down and frowned slightly. Almost everyone stopped and looked at there hands, they wherelinked together as Kaminari led him to a table.

Todoroki was the first to notice Bakugo's serious frown, he looked unhappy as he sat next to Kaminari, who was talking to him joyously.

Todoroki chest boiled with a kind of jealousy and hate. He fealt like going over to them and grabbing Bakugo. But he didn't, he just sat and stared.

"Todoroki-Kun.... I think your being a little distracted." Uraraka was looking at him sideways so was the rest of his friends.

"Hmm don't you think it's peculiar that Bakugo is sitting with Kaminari after what happened the other week?" Iida said scratching his head.

At that moment Kaminari leaned over and placed a kiss onto Bakugo's lips. It lasted a mere second but Todoroki caught it like it had gone in slow motion. And what frightened Todoroki was that when Kaminari whispered in Bakugo's ear, Bakugo kissed him back.

Todoroki's heart fell, or in his brain fealt like it was stabbed. His face fell into no color as he stared at them, the whole cafeteria doing the same. But Todoroki was not only sad, he was angry and jealous. No one moved. Then Kaminari stood up.

"I just want to let you all know, Bakugo is my boyfriend now..." he smirked and looked over at Todoroki. There classes cheered. But Todoroki caught the look of guilt on Bakugo's face as he sat down.

Todoroki wanted to kill Kaminari at that moment.

Oof it took me a while to get this out, what do you guys think Todoroki is going to do? Like always you may suggest anything thx good bye!

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