The silent rage

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Ok little disclaimer. Since I do not know what people from Japan eat, there will be American food in here. Especially pizza.... bc who the fuck don't like pizza.
Bakugo's POV
When I woke up, I was passed out on the common room floor. What seemed to be the whole class was passed out, and either hungover and drunk on the floor or sleeping in the kitchen.

Beer bottles, cans, wine glasses, wine bottles, and multiple soda beverages were everywhere in sight. Well that's pretty weird.... wait hold up. I looked to my right at the clock on the wall. 7:43 am...... shit. It was a Saturday but it would take at least a day to pick up both the common room and the kitchen.

It was legit dirty af. Broken glass, bottles, empty food dishes, stains on the walls and carpet, a flipped over table and several flipped coaches. Holy shit.

Bakugo got up slowly, his head ringing from the amount of beer he drank the last night, and he shakily wobbled to the kitchen.
The sight was almost the same as the common room. A fucking mess. He slowly but surely got some pots. One that was bigger than his own chest and a metal spoon that was meant for stirring tomato sauce.

He had to wake everyone up to clean, so what better way to do it than with load noises? I'm a fucking genius.
He walked in between both the common room and the kitchen. And
Bakugo clashes the metal spoon and the pot. He did it a few more times before shouting too


People groaned and cursed Bakugo, who just ignored them all and continued stomping around to wake everyone up.

"Bakubro are you seriously waking us up at this fucking hour?" Shitty hair whined. His boyfriend pika fucking chu flipped me off as well. I went into the kitchen to wake everyone else up. The only ones who were sleeping was IcyHot and Naked lady.

I stomped over to their basically passed out bodies, and almost immediately kicked naked lady awake. She got up quickly and looked shocked. The fuck is she so shocked about!?

"If you don't wake your friend up, I'll kick him harder." The blonde sad violently.

"Yeah..... okay Bakugo."

I made my way out of the kitchen and into the other, room. The class was already starting to pick the common room up, so I joined in.
This will take fucking forever.

Time skip, bc............... I said so.

The common room took most of the day to pick up, so everyone was either chilling out talking or up in their dorms. Shitty hair, Pikachu, Tape arms and Raccoon eyes were talking on the couch.... ok more like yelling on the couch.

"Yoooo Sero you are honestly the quietest person in this group!" Lightnin' said reaching over and patting tape arms.

"Yeah, more than I can say for Bakugo!!"He laughed.
The fuck......


"Uh dude, your like all 'murder, murder kill kill' and shit like that." He coughed, raising his eyebrows like it was the fucking truest thing on earth.


He continued. "Oh and your probably the loudest person in like, the whole of Japan. Though I wouldn't be surprised if you got arrested for being to loud... maybe you should like-.

That was it. Bakugo exploded his face. Like literally exploded it.
Sero doubled over on the ground screaming in pain. And somehow Bakugo barely noticed and laughed. Everyone looked at him, shocked.
He was currently rolling around laughing at how much pain Sero was in.

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