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Todoroki POV

Okay, so I officially hate Mina and Kirishima. The two are constantly teasing me about my very small crush on Bakugo. Like just the other day Mina yelled at me across the cafeteria to "get a room" wtf does that even mean!? Get a room Ha. Yeah whatever Mina.

Bakugo and me were hanging out in the lounge room, you know usual stuff. Well now usual stuff, ever since Bakugo cracked sis skull four weeks ago we've hung out a lot, sometimes we just fell asleep in one another's dorms. It was comforting having Bakugo around, though sometimes Kirishima would yank Bakugo out to make food for them. But on the bright side Bakugo hung out with Kirishima and Mina again, Sero and Kaminari didn't trust him enough though.

Bakugo elbowed me, I looked at him emotionlessly.
"Mina wants to get all of us together to have a hang out tonight, she told me to ask you to get Deku and fucking sonic and what's her name to come over." Bakugo said his usual scowl scraping his features precisely.

"Sure I'll shoot them a text."

To: BroccoliDude
From: Todo—kun
Mina wants you, Uraraka and Iida to come hang out at her place tonight. I'll tell you the time later.


Bakugo's phone rung, he angrily opened the call and shouted out "what you want"

I scrolled through instagram checking out Mina's constant photos of shirtless guys, and Kirishima's pictures of crocks and rocks. Then I came across someone else's Instagram account. Bakugo's. Or King_Katsuki.

Okay so maybe I'm over reacting but Bakugo's instagram was like a gold mine. There was pictures of dogs, food, art (that he drew) and him and many of are class mates. I didn't know I instagram stalked people until now, I had probably liked about all of his posts.

Ohh jeez ima die if he goes on instagram soon.

Bakugo threw his phone across the room, it hit the wall so violently that there was an actual dent. A DENT IN A CONCRETE WALL. He's mad.

"Why are you so worked up?" Okay so here's the plan: find out what's wrong, if he attacks me run to Midorya's room as fast as possible.

"My fucking old fucking Hag wants me to come over for a fucking hour so she can like be a parent or some fucking shit! And my old man wants me to bring a friend for some completely fucked up shit!!" He yelled loud enough for the whole campus to hear.

"I don't get what thy problem is Bakugo."

He clenched his fists.
"The problem IcyHot, is that my parents want to meet one of my idiotic friends!"

Ohhh now I get it, Bakugo doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of his parents.

"Why don't you just bring me. I'm far from idiotic if I do say so, plus I'm not like Kirishima or Mina."

"And why would I ever- Wait, that's a good idea thanks yah oversized Peppermint bastard!" He jumped.

"Anyway, she wants us to be there by like 1:00 so we'll have time to get ready."

"Okay then, I'll go to my dorm, meet down here in- 45 minutes." I walked up to my dorm silently.


I don't have any clothes. Like none. There either school uniforms, workout clothes, or just lounge around clothes. I'm going to die.

Calm shouto calm. I mean your only meeting your crushes parents for some unexplained unexpected reason! Heh yeah that's amazing.

I dug through more tubs of clothes, and finally found something decent. Damn I sound like a 13 year old school girl. A black lined turtleneck and some black jeans.

I barely combed my hair, I didn't care about it anyway

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I barely combed my hair, I didn't care about it anyway. I grabbed my phone and ran out the door.

When I got to the lounge room, a couple other people were there. Mina and Kirishima were playing video games Iida and midorya were talking and a couple others scattered.

Bakugo was leaning against the wall, he had a black v-neck with a skull in the middle, he also had blue ripped jeans.

"Yo IcyHot you ready, cuz we got to go pretty soon" He was looking a his phone

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"Yo IcyHot you ready, cuz we got to go pretty soon" He was looking a his phone.

"Yeah I'm ready."

There were some stares from our classmates. Especially Kirishima and Mina. And then Kirishima spoke up.

"Where are you guys going? On a date or something?" Ouch. That fucking stung. Yesh.

Bakugo's head shot up faster than Aizawa falling asleep. He dropped his phone and his eyes were like fucking dynamite.

"The fuck you just say?! Are you daft. Jesus fuck." He glared at Kirishima.

"It was just a question Bakugo, besides I'd like to know too~" Mina purred. Ohh fuck she just lit the match. Oh shit abort.

"Uh know, it's not a d-date it's just you know quality time with a friend. Besides I'm not gay." I had a straight face on. But Kirishima basically fell over laughing.

"Uhm Todoroki-kun it's okay to be gay. I mean I'm sure Kacchan wouldn't mind, none of us would and besides you have a crush-"

It was Bakugo's turn to pick me up this time. And he bolted out the door with me dragging behind. As soon as we rounded the corner he fell over and sat.

"Jesus that room was dense. I'm about ready to fucking blow them apart." He shouted. I just stood there breathing heavily.

"Yeah... anyway where's your house anyway?"

"Oh my house is a couple blocks down from here, come on"
Boom nother chapter! Now I have to think of a new way to be creative!! 😅 anyway again I'm open to suggestions and hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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