When secrets rise

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Third person POV.
Todoroki woke up to the beeping of an alarm, his school alarm. It was Monday so he had to get his stuff together.

He got up from his bed solemnly and made his way to his bathroom, when there he brushed his teeth and combed his messy hair.

He got his backpack, phone and his wallet Incase he wanted to do something after school. Before he left his dormitory he checked his phone for notifications.

1 message sent from 💥Ground Zero💥

Ahh Bakugo must have something to say. Todoroki thought with a small smile before opening the notification.

💥Ground Zero💥
Yo IcyHot, meet me at the lounge so we can walk 2 gether. AND DONT BAIL BITCH!!!!
Ok then....
*My friend ❄️IcyHot🔥*
Okay Bakugo I'll be there In a minute.

Well I guess I'm walking with Bakugo, how unexpected...
Todoroki pushed his thoughts away and headed to the lounge room.

When Todoroki arrived at the lounge Bakugo was sitting down and tapping his foot impatiently, when he saw the bi-colored male he jumped up and walked.. fast walked to his side.

"You took like fucking three years ya asshat!" The fiery ash-blonde complained.

"Well maybe don't invite me next time" Todoroki shot at him.
He laughed at Bakugo's frustrated face.

"If I had done that, My so called 'friends' would think I was ignoring them." He replied.

They started walking and talking, they had become closer over some time and it had shook Todoroki when Bakugo even remotely wanted to spend time with him.

"Do you have to stop by your locker? Or are we going straight to the shitty classroom!?" Bakugo barked stopping in the hallway

"Uhm I think I'm good, what about you?"Todoroki replied eyeing Bakugo.

"I'm good." Was his short reply before going to the classroom.
Bakugo's POV

The peppermint followed me into the classroom, he sat at his desk and started chatting with stupid fucking Deku.

I sat at my desk, put my feet on it and then started playing video games on my phone.
The fast dude what's his name........ Iida I think it was came over.

"Bakugo! We want to respect this schools furniture, and use it as a tool! Not a lounge!" He glared at me doing quick hand movements.

"Dude. You made me mess up my fucking game, NOW SHOO BEFORE I BLOW YOUR FACE UP!!" I yelled I glared at him.
The dude flinched but didn't move.

"As class representative I feel in my duty to keep people in order on school grounds, so stop lounging on the desk!" He said standing still.

The class was looking at us, a few people glaring at me. Sero had bandages rapped around his head, and he looked terrified.

"If you don't stop bossing me around I kill your ass. NOW LEAVE ME BE!"I shouted putting my phone away.

"You need to chill Bakugo! You already hurt someone you IDIOT!"Raccoon eyes glared through clenched teeth at me.

"Don't you start Raccoon eyes, this doesn't concern you!!" I shouted.

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