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No Ones POV//////

Todoroki was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling and pondering a thought.

When Kaminari had been expelled, Bakugo had broken down, he was more aggressive and if anyone so much as touched him he would punch you in the face. Everyone knew why, Kaminari had electrocuted him so many times his wrists became dark, and his eyes were always dull.

Kirishima and Mina tried cheering him up, but it didn't work, even Sero became reluctant to see Bakugo so down, and it was absolute torcher to Todoroki.

Every time Bakugo would talk to him he always seemed a little calmer, but it didn't last long because Todoroki would find a way to screw it up.
Like last week he had yelled to Bakugo about having to meet up with Iida and study, even though that's what Bakugo and him were doing.

Todoroki lay for a few more seconds before propping himself up and getting ready for school. He almost immediately regretted the day when coming down stairs to be met with silence. Everyone had looked at him weirdly after Bakugo had seemingly only been happy around him, though no one spoke about it.

"OI! HALF'N'HALF!!" Bakugo came running up behind him. His hair was messy and eyes dull, but he still shouted like a Viking.

"What Bakugo?" Todoroki trier to not make eye contact.

"Mr. Aizawa wants to speak to you after class today, oh and your sitting with me and my shitty friends." With that he walked off.

Todoroki blushed a bit at, he loved it when Bakugo bossed him around like his old self.

Deku came running up to Todoroki with a bewildered look on his face.

"Todo!! That's the happiest Kacchan has been all week!!" His voice was sweet as he yelled words at the Fire and Ice user.

"Yeah... he seems happier around me." There was a scoff coming from the sofa, Sero was sitting there with tokoyami.

"Bakugo is always happy around you, you saved him from rape." Sero stated.

Todoroki didn't say anything, he just walked to school.

The classroom was alive with the new assignment given by Mr. Aizawa, Todoroki didn't pay attention and just stared at Bakugo, who was doodling in a drawing notebook. So Todoroki decided to walk over.

Tapping his shoulder he was returned with a punch in the side, coughing Todoroki glared at him.

"Chill Baku, it's just me." Bakugo, stated a simple sorry and continued his work.

Todoroki then peaked over his shoulder to see-

Bakugo clearly amused that Todoroki blushed vigorously, pulled on Todoroki's tie

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Bakugo clearly amused that Todoroki blushed vigorously, pulled on Todoroki's tie.

"You blush at this? But didn't blush when I drew you in this picture-

"You blush at this? But didn't blush when I drew you in this picture-

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Now Todoroki practically died. His face was deep crimson and he was holding a hand over his mouth. Bakugo was practically rolling with laughter.

The whole class stopped talking and looked over at the two, Todoroki practically a tomato, and Bakugo practically laughing to death.

Mr. Aizawa raised an eyebrow.
"What's so funny Bakugo?" He was now genuinely concerned.

Todoroki blushing even more (if it's possible) says nothing as Bakugo takes his drawing book to the front of the class.

"Todoroki was more embarrassed of this picture of himself than this one!!!! Goddamn IcyHot!" Showing the pictures to the whole class was torture, but in front of a teacher was evil.

Todoroki felt like opening a window and jumping out.

The class who just now started laughing too, killing Todoroki slowly. While the teacher just stared at the pictures with a 'this is fucking gay' look.

After that, Todoroki just sank in his chair, regretting existence.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so goddamn long! No I haven't abandoned the story, and I'm sorry for the short chapter! But life has been hectic with school and all so I don't have much time to post. I hope you guys understand and please comment any requests for future chapters bc I'm very out of inspiration.

😑 dearest your author

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