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Todoroki's POV

Me and Bakugo were standing outside his house. It was bigger than I expected, not as big as mine but not as small as an apartment either. It was a bright grey in color, and had what looked to be a huge fenced in backyard. The chimney had smoke coming out of it, and the front porch had potted flowers.

Bakugo banged his fist on the door, he seemed pretty annoyed when know one came immediately. He knocked harder. No answer.

He started yelling profanities. Then someone opened. It was a blonde spiky haired female, who was probably the twin of Bakugo. She slapped Bakugo upside the head.

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CURSING WHEN YOUR AT HOME!" She shouted loudly in Bakugo's face.

"SHUT UP HAG! Let us inside so we can get this shit show over with!!!" He slumped inside the house, I followed silently behind him.

The inside of the house was surprisingly clean, the front door led inside to the living room. There was a fire place going and a couch unoccupied. A stair case was on the opposite side of the room.

"Okay, old hag this is IcyHot bastard, IcyHot bastard this is old ha- his mom I presume, slapped him again and shouted.

"I am not an old hag! And I don't think he's a bastard either!"

"Oh come on I'm close enough!" I shook my head.

"In theory Bakugo, your incorrect, I'm not a bastard, in fact I think of you as more of a bastard than me." I gave him a side glance, he glared at me, his eye twitching.

"Ha! Good you found someone who stands up to your pitiful ass! Didn't know you could do it!" She laughed a little and turned to me.

"I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, nice to meet you!" She held out her hand politely, I shook it.
"I'm Shouto Todoroki, a friend of Bakugo's"

"Well obviously! Anyway... I'd like to get to know you- HEY KATSUKI WHERE YOU GOING!?" She shouted to Bakugo who was going up the stairs.

"IM GETTING MY FUCKING XBOX OLD HAG! I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!!" He shouted back at her running up the stairs.

"Oh well, he's probably going to do something, gives us more time to talk."

She sat on the couch, I sat on a chair by the tv. There was a little awkward silence before she finally spoke up.

"So, how long have you been friends with Katsuki!? He's never really mentioned you only a red head and a pink person."

I thought of what to say, it's really only been about two months, and really only in the last five weeks have we been hanging out. So I just told her honestly.

"Well really it's only been about five weeks, but we started talking more about two months ago." I said with my monotone voice.

"Hmm well you sure keep track of time." My eyes popped out of my head a little.

"So, your Endeavors kid right? Pretty cool my dead beat son made friends with the 2 pro hero's child." I Bit the inside of my mouth.

"Yeah, I guess but Bakugo first hated me. So it isn't anything special."

I wish I was closer to Bakugo but he doesn't really seem that interested in having a more complex relationship with me. At least I haven't noticed.

"Ha Katsuki hates everyone at first, he's been like that since he was a kid, he probably hated that Aizawa teacher of yours too."

"Yeah he did, I think he still does, I can't remember a time he's met someone and not immediately hated them."

"Actually I can recall one time, a few years ago when he met Izuku they had such a strong bond he didn't hate him all that much, to bad he does now though! Me and Inko thought they'd end up together!" She laughed it off like it was nothing. It was something though. He didn't immediately hate Midoriya? They where actually really strong bonded friends? Their parents actually thought, know hesitation that they could possibly like each other that much too... they had enough spirit to admit that they actually thought that someday they...they thought they could potentially love each other. What? How in the... But Bakugo... Wait... is that why Bakugo hates Midoriya so much? Because something happened..? I don't get it, Bakugo hates Midoriya. Midoriya seems to care about Bakugo! Did something happen? Am I over reacting!? Am I thinking to much?

My body temperature was going out of wack, I was overheating on one side and icing out on the other. My mind was racing with all the possibilities on Bakugo and Midoriya's relationship and past. There was so much I wasn't informed on. But my head went to one conclusion that I didn't really settle well with.
Did Midoriya once have feelings for Bakugo?
Sorry for such a short fricken chapter! I wanted to end on this little info before moving on to the party their having! 😂

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